"Yes I am so proud of you!" She says kissing my cheek, I look over to Sara as she writes down the recipe in her note book. "Got all of that girly?" I say, "Yep!!"

We begin mixing the ingredients together and pre-heating the oven at 350 degrees. When we finished, Sara butters up the donut cake looking mold while I washed the dirty dishes. 

We did most of it in silence until Amuma begins talking. "Sooo any new friends you two have made recently?" 

"Well, not really, we keep running into Txon and his friends, I also saw Anaitz and Oneka" I add

"Ohh ok ok...and uh, who's Paul?" She asks looking at me while she holds a hand on her hip. 

Immediately I freeze up as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over my head. I turn to look at Sara as she stares at me in a confused manner.

"Ohh umm, he's just a guy I met in Amoroto... why?" I say nervously,

"Well while I went out to buy these oranges in the morning, a little birdy told me that some guy named Paul likes Maite 'la Americana' and that means you missy" She nodded 

"What!! well uh I can assure you that he's just a random guy I talked to for a bit, also wait I'm confused, who mentioned him to you?" 

"Ohh I can't say, but just know that the birdies here love to talk, something happens in this small town and everyone finds out who did what like fire in a forest" She says in an alerting tone.

I look at Sara with widened eyes and press my lips together as I tell Amuma I'm going to the bathroom. Sara follows after me and we meet in the room. I close the door so no one could hear. 

"What the fuck, how, who told her, I'm so confused" I say

"I don't know, I never mentioned him...wait maybe it was like his grandma or something" Sara suggested. 

"His grandma, he's talking to his grandma about me?! I only ever met him twice" I gestured with two fingers as I paced back and forth in the small passage in the room.

"Should I ask him?" 

"Ask him what?" 

"If he told his grandma about me?" I say

"Mmm, what terms are you guys on?" Sara asks

"Well, I don't know, we're friends I guess but he kind of made me a bit uncomfortable that day of the pasa calle" 


"He just kept getting really close to me and I knew that he wanted to kiss me but I also knew he was a little drunk, ughhh I just don't know if what I felt was caution, like my gut telling me not to give in or if it was a rush"

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that, I don't know if I could trust him, like I don't want to be another one of his girls he gets to have fun with you know? I don't want to get attached especially with me leaving in a few weeks, it just wouldn't work out" I express 

"Well why don't we just see what happens, maybe he'll text you and you guys can hangout as friends, if you hit it off then I guess that would be your chance of a summer fling and if not then it's fine, you'll just leave and wont see each other until next year and you know what you don't even have to worry about that because maybe that would be it, it would end there and you wouldn't have to worry about it" Sara says with a genuine expression as she sits on the bed waiting for me to respond. 

"Your right...I'll wait for him to text first and then we'll see what happens"


Biting into the warm cake bread as the smell fills my lungs, I felt my worries wash away for a second. Sara and I lay on the bed enjoying the desert as we plan for the Bilbao trip that's coming up in a day. 

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