Lekeitio chapter 3

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feeling the warmth of the sunlight peak through the blinds onto my face led to me to opening my eyes. I look over to Sara as she still sleeps, she carries this straight face and starts breathing stronger. Is she picking a fight with someone or something ahahaha, she looks mad, I have to record this. I pick up my phone and press the record button as her face keeps indicating angery Sara. Eventually she wakes up and sees me recording. 

"Bruhh, why are you recording" she laughed

"Cuz you looked like you were about to throw hands"

"Whatt really, wait show me!" 

I sit on the bed as I pressed on the video. She looks as me in her 'that's hilarious' face.

"SEND IT TO ME" she died of laughter, "ok ok I will."

A few minuets pass and we go into the kitchen to prepare toast with jam and butter. I looked through the balcony to see that it was a sunny day. Absolutely no clouds to be found in the sky to accompany the hot sun.

"Looks like it's a beach day" I cheered as I turned to Sara smiling.

"AYEEE" she responded

"But what do you want to do in the morning? because we're going there in afternoon" I pointed out

"Oh yea, umm whatever you want I'm cool with." 

"Saraaa, noo you know I'm indecisive as fuck", She rolls her eyes and looks at me with a straight face "well then were really screwed because I am too."

"MMmmm, we could go to the stores in the plaza" I suggested

"Okay, sounds good"

We finished our breakfast and walked towards the room. "What are you girls doing today?" Amuma asked glaring at the both of us. "Oh going to the little stores en la plaza y luego ir a la playa con Ane y Andrea". "AAAh muy bien, me parece muy bien!" she smiled.


It's around 10:30 AM when Sara and I leave to the plaza. We were both dressed up in tank tops and baggy jeans. The usual wear for teenage girls in this town but regardless the people still manage to look over at us. As we pass by the small streets several people stopped us to say hello. Some were my friends others were my grandma's friends; it felt nice knowing people still recognize you after years. 

We arrive and decided to enter a small store with a beachy vibe. There were fishnets and sea shells in the entrance. To me right there were candles and jewelry, to the left there was a clothing rack with flowy white pants and linen shirts. The walls were a light greenish blue and the lady working there very kind. "Welcome in! what can I help you with today!"

"Oh nothing, we were just looking" I smiled, I pick up one of the candles on the shelf and smell it, the scent of flowers and fruitfulness consumed me. I flip it over to check the price only for it to be 20 euros. Damnnn that's hella pricey. I put it back down and went over to Sara and see her looking at some shoes. She flips them over to see the price. "120 euros, aw hell naa" she whispered. We looked at the woman with a bright smile "Thank you!" we exclaimed as we left.

"Damnnn, I didn't think it was gonna be that expensive" I complained 

"Like whatt, a small store in a small town like c'mon, they should lower it" 

"Just a tad bit" I said sarcastically 

We wander around town for the rest of the morning, buying candy and showing her around the streets, we pass by my aunts bakery. 

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