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A/N this part is just to describe "Tiny"


TINY-[a frail small boy with long messy hair, very tangled, covering his face and obviously not been cleaned, oversized clothes by like x10, the clothes were ripped, his neck had handprinted bruises, and marks like a rope around his chest. Covered in mud, dirt and teeth were ruined, cavities, missing teeth, forced out obviously. (That's all I can think of rn)]

::FUNDYS POV:: <- :0
I've tooken Tiny to my cabin, I've got many jobs but I'm mostly a merchant, and trade things for other things, on other jobs I work with Quackity and Slime, and sometimes I work with the small kids as a babysitter and teacher, I also collect things for Antfrost, Niki and Puffy, they're the ones who make potions.

I noticed how dirty Tiny is, so I go and fill a bucket with warm water, i get it ready for them and get soap and more necessities for bathing. Then i grab the things for cutting hair, {'I'm gonna make sure this kid gets what they need.'}I think yo myself while smiling. Once I snap out of it I go over to Tiny, i kneeled down and spoke in a soft tone. "Hey..is it okay if we get you into that water? To wash yourself.." I used my hands to help guid them. They slowly walked towards the bucket, i asked "are you okay with taking off your clothes? If you need help just tap on me." I say smiling and i turn around, and to my surprised they tapped on me. I turned around and helped them, ofc I was slow and gentle with them, they seemed very scared so I won't cross their boundaries. I let them take off their undergarments and then lifted them in the bucket, they squealed, and quickly grabbed onto me, it took me by surprise but i just slowly put them in the water, patting their back while doing so, i swirled the water making bubbles to distract the kid while I washed them.

-when the washing was done-
I put a cloth around his body, then I sat them in a chair, and let them examine the scissors, then began snipping his hair.
-after cutting his hair-
sadly I had to cut a lot, and untangle afterwards. Which you're never supposed to do, but his hair was just so bad I had too. I looked around my cabin for any extra clothes, luckily I have some from when Tommy was younger. I helped put the clothes on Tiny, then gave him a stuffed fox, it was my toy when I was younger and it helped me when I was younger, and I also found out what he is..but I've never seen a hybrid of us before, other than Ranboo but- I dunno a Fox, Avian isn't seen much, let alone ever, but I'll leave the kid be.

Once I had gotten him ready, I made food. I made steak with mashed potatoes, green beans and some peas, and some milk to drink. Tiny was very hungry, he ate quiet a lot of food, but I'm not shaming I'm quiet proud! I stood up and picked Tiny up, and carried him on my waist
(like a mother carrying them on her hip)
I carried him to my cot, I sat him on the nightstand next to the cot and grabbed extra pillows and blankets, making sure it's comfortable for Tiny.
Once I knew it was comfortable I put Tiny on my cot, pulled a blanket over him and tucked him in. Getting a children's book I sat down on the chair next to the cot opened the book and started ready. Before I knew it Tiny was passed out, snoozing and it brought me joy to see him sleep so comfortably, especially with how I found him. I really like children actually, I've not found anyone who would want to date me, let alone the last person I dated was a dick, so taking care of Tiny is just, really making my dream come true..

-a few minutes of Fundy being in his thoughts he was startled by a loud knocking-

I was startled by loud knocking.. i quickly got up and yelled "HOLD ON ILL BE THERE WITH YOU SHORTLY!!"
The knocking continued
I rushed to the door and quickly opened the door not thinking, I was quickly startled by Wilbur being there..my father, he had me at a young age, im currently 21 and he's 36, I was born when he was 15 and my mom was 14, she ended up running away once I was born, but I'm not really worried bout her, although dad was rough on me he was still a good dad, but..he doesn't want the same thing happening to me so I'm not aloud to date, EVEN THOUGH I'm 20 fuckin 1. Anyway, he doesn't like kids so if he found out I had one he'd be pissed.

Dad yelled snapping me out of my thinking
"Can I come in or not?"
He asked nicely but Tiny was in my quarters, buttt dad goes snooping in there so I can't let him find Tiny..so I spoke up, "uh..dad I'm kinda busy, I know we agreed to have our meeting today but i just really can't, I need to sort through my chests and barrels."
I saw the sadness in my dads eyes, he really liked meeting with me and taking about random shit, it makes him forget the bad things, and I'm happy bout that.I noticed that Wilbur started to turn around and walk to his horse, so I quickly called out "Dad! Maybe tomorrow?" He turned to look at me, he simply nodded then turned around and hopped up on his horse. His horse trotted off going further and further. I sighed, relieved. I closed my door, locking it then I turned around and

::The next day::

I woke up to hear Tiny crying, I sat up looking at him, it seemed he was having a nightmare so I picked him up cradling him and slowly rocking him trying to calm him, I picked up the fox plushie and put it in his hand. Tiny slowly calmed down so i put him back down on the cot, i crawled on the cot with him and cuddled him, it felt like i was supposed to have him.. he's just so puny and i must protect him with my life. When anyone comes I'll hide him, I'll teach him everything I know about being a fox and I'll find away to teach him to fly I'm going to do everything for this kid..{*EVERYTHING*} everything I can..

THATS ALL FLOKS, im done with this chapter. What's happening to Fundy? Why's he feeling these things? Will Wilbur find out about Fundys kid. See next in the next chapter. Called "WHAT."

-signing out <3-

{°»Emerson Foxington«°} (dmsp inspired-Just a life story-READ DESCRIPTION:P)Where stories live. Discover now