Summer Disaster

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"Pedro will you stop?!" You yelled. Every time you put something into your suitcase Pedro would take it back out and put it away. This had been happening for at least 10 minutes now. With every piece of clothing he removed the angrier you got. "No [Y/N] you stop!" Pedro seethed. "I don't understand the problem. You're going on tour with the boys while Oscar and I go to Greece for the summer!" Oscar, your best friend since you were kids, was taking you to Greece for the summer while the boys went on tour. You didn't understand Pedro's problem with it. He was totally fine about it one day, then out of the blue thought it was the worst idea ever. He knew, or at least you were pretty sure he knew Oscar wasn't a threat to your relationship. He himself has a girlfriend and even she's fine with it. Pedro didn't answer you so you went back to packing, he continued his routine of removing whatever you set down. "I swear, do that one more fucking time..." He interrupted you. "What are you going to do?" He asked with an attitude. "Can you tell me what your fucking problem is?" Tossing the shirt out of your hand onto the bed, you crossed your arms. Pedro's eyes weren't the soft brown they usually were. They were dark, filled with anger, even sadness. "I just don't want you going to Greece with Oscar." He snapped. "Well to bad because i'm going." You rolled your eyes picking up all your clothes and throwing them into your bag in an un neat manner zipping it quickly. Slipping on your shoes with your bag on your back you walked up to Pedro. "Now you can come with me and say goodbye or I can just leave and we can take care of this when we get back." You didn't want to leave for two months after a big fight that wasn't settled - but you had 45 minutes to get to Oscar's so you could leave for your flight. Pedro looked at you puzzled. After a few seconds of blank staring, you turned around to leave. Pedro gripped your wrist quickly spinning you back around. "You can't go because if people found out and they think you're cheating on me." More sadness than anger now filled his voice. "There will be rumors saying we broke up or that you cheated on me because they've seen you guys out a lot together recently." "Pedro," "Listen I don't want you to go just because i'm going to miss you but then this on top of it..." "Bullshit." "Bullshit what?" He asked to let go of your wrist. Rubbing your wrist a few times because it was now sore he apologized for grabbing you too hard. "The whole rumor thing, you just don't want me to go. Tell me why!" You growled. "The rumor thing is true [Y/N]!" He grumbled his anger returning because you said you didn't believe him. "TELL ME THE TRUTH OR I'M WALKING OUT THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" You screamed. "I DON'T WANT YOU GOING ON VACATION A BAGILLON MILES AWAY FROM ME WITH A GUY WHILE I'M NOT THERE!" He yelled nearing you. Panting almost like a wild animal. "You're mine, I don't want to lose you!" He said slightly softer. Placing your hands on his cheeks. A small smile formed on your lips. Happy that he admitted his feelings, you felt relief in being able to leave. Leaning up, you kissed him slowly. "I know I'm yours, nothing will ever change that." You whispered, your forehead against his while your fingers trailed to his neck. Pedro sighed, shaking his head lightly with a soft chuckle, as if he was mad at himself for the way he was acting. "Hey, I love you." "I love you too." Dropping the bag from your shoulder Pedro pushed you back onto the bed. The silence of the room became evident but it didn't matter - all that mattered was being in this moment with him. Pedro's hands slid through the belt loops of your jeans pulling them down. You reached up, unbuttoning his pants trying to push them down. He got up and stepped out of them while you took off your underwear. He positioned himself between your legs, stroking your thighs. "What are you doing?" You breathed. "I'm gonna eat you out baby." He smirked. "I would love that... But we don't have time for it." He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you up to his lips. "Fuck me like you mean it... It's gonna be awhile." You chuckled. "Jesus..." He mumbled. Within seconds his boxers were gone. He was sucking on your neck harshly, making you moan. Pedro's lips left your neck and soon his whole body was removed from you. Whining you opened your eyes to see him running back to you while sliding on a condom. Lining himself at your entrance he slammed into you causing you to gasp. Not giving you time to adjust to his size, even after all the times you've had sex - he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into you. "Shit... Pe-Pedro, fuck." You mumbled as he thrusted into you repeatedly at a fast pace. Lifting your legs Pedro leaned down. He started relentlessly pounding into you. Moans slipping between both of your lips as he attached his to yours. Sliding his tongue effortlessly into your mouth muffling your moans. Somehow he started pounding harder hitting your g spot. Throwing your head back, your lips separated so Pedro moved to your neck - sucking and biting. Reaching down he started playing with your clit. The knot in your stomach felt like you were going to explode. "Pedro... I'm so close... Pedro applies more pressure to your clit, sending you over the edge. Screaming out Pedro's name as you rode out your high. With a groan Pedro bowed his head as he released into the condom. Collapsing on top of you, both of you painting. Your legs trembling - the thought of the long plane ride after this, walking next will be a challenge. Pedro kissed your cheek and rolled off of you. "That's some of the best sex we've had." You smile. "Definitely." Pedro agrees. As you were putting your pants on Oscar called you. "[Y/N] where are you we're gonna miss the flight!" Oscar said worried. "Chill i'm coming," Pedro snickered as you playfully pushed him while grabbing your bag. "Just meet me at the airport." With that you hung up. ~~~~ "Those Greek boys better keep their hands off you." Pedro threatened as you pulled up to the airport. "Yeah, yeah, yeah and your fangirls too." You joked. Sticking your tongues out at each other - you hugged and kissed one more time before getting out of the car and running to Oscar now hugging him. You turned back around waving bye to Pedro as you blew him a kiss and mouthed, "I love you."

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