🕯 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 🕯

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⤜♡→ 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔬𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔩

"Get me some ice James," Steve says.

Bucky walks out of view and returns a moment later with a Ziploc bag full of ice. Steve presses it to my neck despite my whining and flinching. I try to move away as the cold settles uncomfortably onto my neck but Steve holds the other side of my neck tenderly to keep me close.

"We're going to take you to the hospital, alright Sweetheart?" He says. I nod my head immediately regretting it as my vision swims. I feel myself getting lifted up into someone's arms and I can hear their heartbeat underneath their clothes. "Hold on Baby," I hear someone saying as cold air hits my body. The sunlight is too bright and I squeeze my eyes shut tighter.

There's too much movement as the light disappears and I'm in a car. It's made of leather and I hear the other doors shut as James and Steve get in. Steve is driving looking back at me with a worried expression. "It's alright if you want to close your eyes," He says and I do letting the blackness wash over me.

"What the hell did you do to her?" I recognize that voice immediately as Tony's. He's one of the doctors at my hospital. Wait, I am at my hospital. I open my eyes groggily to find Tony above me. He isn' t looking at me but across me. I turn to find Steve and James. Steve's explaining something adamantly his arms and hands moving while James stands stoic his arms crossed over his chest.

Tony lends down then in a stage whisper. "Blink twice if you're in danger." I roll my eyes.

"Just take me back to a room Tony and I can talk to you about what happened," I say my words melding together. I make eye contact with Wanda who's pointing at James and Steve then making hearts with her hands then winking at me before coming up to me and wheeling my cart away.

"Nat and Clint were pretty worried about you, It's not like you to miss a day of work. The last time you did was 2 years ago when your neighbor's cat went missing." Wanda says. She pauses then looks down. "Are you sure you're all right? Those two men looked pretty tough."

"I'm fine," I say sitting up. "Steve actually saved me," Wanda grins then winks.

"First name basis I see..."

I roll my eyes again. "Not like that, He saved me from getting assaulted by another man. That's it."

"That's it." She responds but I can see her trying to hide her grin. Her face changes to a more serious expression. "But you are alright? That was total BS that the man pulled on you. If you ever need someone to drive you home..." She wheels me into a room and starts to leave. "If you need anything-"

"I know," I say cutting her off. "You'll be there,"

"Tony will be with you in a minute," She smiles and then exits the room. I stare at the ceiling mulling over the events of today. I don't get much time though because moments later Tony is in my room and looking disappointingly at me.

"Really?" He's skeptical.

"What?" I respond.

"On your way home from work you get beat up by a guy and then saved by two himbos?"

"Look they're not himbos and it was only one guy. Steve is actually really nice." I chide Tony.

"Yeah, yeah, let me take a look at your neck." He says tilting my head to examine the bruising.

The examination goes by in a blur as Tony tells me to ice my neck more at home then whisks me away for a CT scan. I'm diagnosed with a concussion and given a week off work. I guess it's nice to have time off but I'd rather be working and helping people. But it will also give me time to think about the events that took place this morning. Tony leads me back out into the main area telling me he'll come by sometime this week and we can hang out. Wanda immediately runs up to me and asks how I am.

"A concussion, I assumed as much," I say. I glance around the waiting room slightly disappointed to not find Steve and the enigmatic James. "Why would they wait around," I tell myself, "You're just some girl they bumped into." I'm brought out of my thoughts by Wanda saying something her expression mischievous.

"And while you were away these two handsome gentlemen come up to me and say, "Could you give this card to her when she gets out." The blonde one says while the brunette looks brooding, anyway here you are!" She presents me with a card that fills my belly with a funny warm feeling.

In swirly script it has two numbers with it and written under it are Steve Rogers and James Barnes. I can't help but smile at it. "Maybe I'm not just "some" girl,"

"Now I can drive you home I'm on break now and after work, I can come by with a care package," Wanda says hugging me. I nod along. She takes me to her car and I don't pay that much attention on the ride home. She hugs me out my door reassuring me that if I need anything I can call her.

"Thanks, Wands, I know I can count on you," She smiles and then leaves as I sit down on my couch staring at the numbers. Would it be weird to text him thanks? When they gave Wanda the card did they mean only in case of emergencies? I chew my lip then decide to send a thanks.


Hey, I just wanted to say thanks

for saving me and bringing me to the hospital

I sign my name just in case he doesn't remember who I am. I wait for a second some little part of me hoping he'd respond. There's nothing. I set my phone on the coffee table and then lean back onto the couch .

♥ Word Count: 1008

♥ Date Written: 5/15/2023

𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐𝖘 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 ~ 𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊 ♫♬♥

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