Chapter 7: Dating Advice

Start from the beginning

Jack threw an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. "Darling! I was just giving our boy some advice on how to court a woman. A little father-son bonding thing." He announced proudly.

"Oh, that's nice. Maybe you could give some of that advice to Henry." She suggested.

Jack immediately frowned. "Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Yes, why would he need to do that?" Henry repeated awkwardly.

(Y/n) shrugged innocently. "You know, in case you ever meet a girl that you'd like to impress. Maybe the young girl in the crow's nest?" She not so subtly hinted.

Jack and Henry looked up the mast and saw Callie in the crows nest, looking through her own spyglass.

Jack looked at his wife incredulously. "No, no. No way. That's not going to happen." He denied.

Henry nodded. "Yes, he's right."

Jack suddenly pulled out his pistol. "What does that mean? What's wrong with my daughter?!"

(Y/n) put a hand on Jack's arm and shoved the pistol away from Henry, who became even more flustered.

"No, n-nothing's wrong with her, she's lovely, and-and beautiful." He stammered.

Jack raised the pistol again. "Don't talk about my daughter like that, you pervert!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and took Jack's pistol from him. "Okay, I'm taking this." Then she grabbed his arm. "Come on, Jack. Let's go have a drink."

"I already have a bottle." Jack stated holding it up.

(Y/n) smirked and leaned into his ear. "Jack, in this context, 'have a drink' means the other thing."

Jack's eyes widened. "Oh. Well in that case..." He smoothed out his mustache, and took her hand, dragging her below deck.


Ronan came up behind Carina, about to talk to her, when he noticed that she shivered a couple of times. He slowly pulled off his coat and draped it across he shoulders.

Carina jumped a bit when she felt the coat on her, and looked up at Ronan who was looking through his spyglass. She stood up, and adjusted the coat.

"Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there." She pointed out.

Ronan lowered his spyglass and looked at her. "Like the map?"

Carina looked down at her diary. "I have to find it. I have to. It's the only link to who I am. Who my father was."

"Well, if he's anything like you love, then he must be a wonderful man." He told her.

Carina looked back up at him, and he smiled at her, and she lightly smiled back.


Henry climbed up to the crows nest where Callie was, and hesitated to speak to her.

"Well, are you going to join me, or just stand there like a statue?" Callie teased without turning around.

Henry's face flushed a bit in embarrassment, before he came forward to stand next to her.

"Um, do you see anything?"

Callie lowered her spyglass and sighed in annoyance. "No. I don't even know why I'm bothering."

She looked over at him and saw that he looked a bit sad. "Are you alright?"

Henry shrugged. "I've spent my whole life trying to find my father and break his curse. I'm worried I'll fail, and I'll never get to see him. Never get to know him."

Callie nodded slowly in understanding. Then she placed her hand over his. "If it helps, I believe in you."

He raised a brow. "You do? Why?"

"Because you're a Turner. And from what my parents have told me about you're father, Turner's don't give up so easily." She replied.

"I didn't know your parents thought so highly of my father."

Callie shrugged. "Well, my mother does. My father still thinks of him as a cursed eunuch."

Henry and Callie looked at each other and couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. Henry then slipped the hand that Callie's holding into hers, intertwining their fingers.

"Thank you, for cheering me up." He said.

Callie smiled a little and playfully nudged his shoulder with her own. "No problem."


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