Ch. 10: Party time, Getting into trouble!

Start from the beginning

I say as Evelynn then repeated.

Evelynn(Phone): What do you mean 'When we were young'?

My eyes widen as I let that slip as I then say.

Me(Phone): Forget about it.

I finish washing up the dishes as I then walk over to the room and grabbed my casual clothes and say.

Me(Phone): Tell the rest of the girls that I'm ok. Call me if you need anything.

Evelynn(Phone): Ok. Stay safe.

With that I hung up and took off my headphones and took a quick shower as I then walk out of the shower and dry myself off as I then put my clothes on and then saw the missed call from leblanc as I then called her up as I was walking out the door I heard it ring till....

Leblanc(Phone): It's about time you called.

I sigh as I then close the door and lock it as I said.

Me(Phone): Sorry, I was still sleeping.

Leblanc(phone): Figures. But I have good news for you.

News from Leblanc..... Interesting. I was walking up to the landlord of the apartment complex and say.

Me: Hey I wanted to drop this off for Ashe's apartment.

The landlord looked at me as I held the key out for him to grab as he told me.

Landlord: See you later Y/n.

I nodded my head and was walking towards my bike as I saw continued my conversation with Leblanc.

Me(Phone): Sorry I had to drop off Ashe's key to the landlord.

Leblanc(Phone): It's alright. I wanted to tell you that your outfit is ready.

My eyes widen as I told her.

Me(Phone): I'm on my way.

Leblanc(Phone): Excellent. See you then.

I hung up the phone and hopped on my bike but had my headphones in as I saw that I still had to call Kai'sa as I took off.

Unbeknownst to me, I was being watched by three people till one of them said.

Lady: So. That's him huh?

Medeia: Yes it is.

Mei: You got this right?

Lady then loaded her gun on her shoulder and said.

Lady: Leave it to me.

She then jumped from roof to roof as she went to chase Y/n.

Back with Me:

I had linked my phone with my headphones as I pushed the call button on Kai'sa's name as I heard it ring while I was driving as I heard.

Kai'sa(Phone): Hello.

Me(Phone): Hey Kai'sa. What's up.

I heard Kai'sa shuffle on the call as I heard her say.

Kai'sa(Phone): Thank goodness you called. Evelynn said that you called her and said that you were fine but I wanted to be sure as well.

I saw the light was red and had stopped and said.

Me(Phone): I'll be fine. I told Evelynn that I'm perfectly fine and I won't be quitting.

Kai'sa sighed in relief as I then say.

Me(Phone): Anyways, I am meeting up with my friend and-

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