A few minutes of being in the air we finally landed with grins from ear to ear, everyone applauded as we landed successfully except for Malfoy and Mattheo..

"Oh please!" Malfoy exclaimed going in between the crowd and going up to Buckbeak, trying to be intimidating, wrong move.

"Yeah so you're not dangerous at all are you?! You great ugly bruit!"

Buckbeak clearly did not like this impression and began attacking Malfoy "Oh shit!" I said covering my mouth "We have to help!" Adrienne said "No we do not! It's fucking Malfoy for gods sake!" Jackson said annoyed

"He'll die!" Adrienne exclaimed, did she have to be so nice?

With my telekinesis I successfully made Buckbeak back away from Malfoy, resulting in him only getting his robe a little teared up "Can't believe you made me help Malfoy"

"It's improvement of you!" Adrienne said trying to fix the situation "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and stood by Jackson

"Oh it's killed me! It's killed me!" Malfoy wined in pain

"For fucks sake" I rolled my eyes "So bloody dramatic for a little scratch?" Jackson said "I'll show him what real pain is—"

"No you're not going to do that Jack, knock it of" Felix said, my focused turned to Adrienne as she had run up to Malfoy "What the fuck" I mumbled under my breath, what the fuck was she doing?

"Hagrid! He has to go to the hospital wing!" She exclaimed, as if she was worried?

By now Hagrid was carrying Malfoy in his arms, Jackson and Felix seemed to see what Adrienne was doing "What the fuck Anne?!" Jackson exclaimed and pulled her away "he was injured okay? Nothing wrong with being nice!"

"Of course you get to be nice but it's fucking Malfoy you stupid fuck!" I exclaimed, suddenly Mattheo and his little minions came up to us, Mattheo chuckled tauntingly "Looks like Santos fancy's Malfoy" he taunted as he looked around at his minions whilst they were laughing.

"I-I do not!" Adrienne yelled and pushed him back "Are you sure, oh Hagrid you have to take him to the hospital wing! Oh Draco!" Mattheo kept taunting, making Adrienne look embarrassed "Shut up!" She exclaimed as she made the ground beneath Mattheo ice making him slip and fall of the sudden action.

I started to form lightning bolts in my hand, intimidating Mattheo "Don't fucking make me do it, Riddle" I said getting up closer to his face on the ground as he was still laying there, our noses inches apart from each other, I stared at him, dead in the eye, not loosing eye contact, his facial expression didn't change at all, he smirked "do it Santos" hewhispered, my eyes widened in shock "what, can't do it now?" He whispered and chuckled devilishly, his signature smirk plastered on his lips.

I put my hand on his thigh sending electric shocks through his body, although tolerable shocks. He smirked as I stopped "I've been through worse" he taunted "leave my sister alone Riddle" I ignored his comment "or else what?" he retorted

My eyes widened once again, he knew what I was capable of, so why was he acting like this?

"Or else I'll make your life hell"

He took my chin and tilted my head to the side, I froze, I couldn't move, I don't know why..

"It can't get worse then it already is Santos, be my guest" he whispered huskily in my ear, sending shivers down my spine "Don't fucking touch her!" Jackson exclaimed "Pain" I heard his whispered, making Mattheo's body shake on the ground "Jack stop!" Felix yelled behind him "Enough!" Adrienne exclaimed which resulted in Jackson stopping "We're leaving" she said as she took mine, Felix and Jackson's arms and walked away from the scene.

I could hear Mattheo chuckling behind us, his laugh made my blood boil, he was insanely

"I swear to fucking god if he touches you—"

"Jack, we can take care of ourselves" I interrupted

"You let him touch you Amora! I saw it, it was like you were paralysed, normally you would fucking move!" Jackson said.

"I was caught by surprise! Nobody has ever done that before!" I retorted, Jackson watched me intensely and later looked at Felix "She's telling the truth Jack" Felix added, making Jackson believing my statement.

I rolled my eyes "You had to make Felix read my mind to believe me?" I asked, annoyed, Adrienne was looking unbothered, as if she hadn't caused this.

"And you? Helping Malfoy? What the fuck were you thinking?!" Jackson exclaimed, turning his attention to Adrienne.

"I was being nice for fucks sake! Maybe you should fucking try it-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Felix yelled "Shut the fuck up!" He repeated, making us fall silent "God, we should stick together not fight over two dickheads, this is what they want!" He said, I felt myself in a realise how stupid we were being. Eventually we all made up and walked back to our dormitories.

"Anne" I said as we were in the bathroom fixing ourselves for dinner "Hm?"

"Why did you really help Malfoy?" I asked

She sighed "Amora I told you, I was just being nice" she replied, annoyed that I was even mentioning the subject "Anne, to be honest.. I don't think you would do that to someone you should hate." I said

"Sooner or later me or Felix will find out why you did it"

"And how would you do that?"

"Mind reading of course" I replied in a duh tone, I swear her eyes widened in shock, clearly she had forgotten "It's not what you think Amora" she replied, almost saddened.

I looked at her "I hope so" I mumbled

"Did you say something?" She asked, politely

"No, it's nothing" I said as I continued fixing my hair, whilst looking at Adrienne intensely, I didn't want to read her mind, it would be an invasion of her privacy and I wasn't comfortable by reading her mind.

"Anyways so should I wear this..."

The Santos Diary | Reader x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now