first move

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you sat on your bed, thinking about life. Suddenly c/n popped into your head, oh no please not now, you scolded your head. You were tired and just wanted to sleep but, life had other plans for you. scHoOL. The dreaded. You got changed and into uniform (i got to private idk), ate breakfast and got on your way.

It was lunch recess, and you were bored af, partly from the poetry workshop the middle school did (? maybe?? ig if your in junior or senior ha). You suddenly saw one of c/n's friends running towards the locker bay "what's happening? " you asked c/n's friend, Lauren. " I was showing a magic trick to c/n, the stair disappear trick thing, and then she disappeared instead of me!" Lauren laughed, out of breath. c-c/n?! You blushed hardly, turning away to make sure Lauren doesn't see any of the blush. "Uh- Can I come?.. Do find c/n I mean" You asked. "yeah, come on!" Lauren started to run towards c/n who she spotted in the <insert their grade> locker bay. Were you internally screaming inside? Yes. Very. "hey!" C/n said when you approached, "h-hi, c/n!1!11!!!" You answered back screaming internally.

"You disappeared!!" Lauren scolded her friend, "Were'd you go?" . "i r a n o f f" C/n said, as matter of factly. You, on the other hand was a blushing mess. It was a relief that c/n didn't see or was just too dense lol. "Hey, y/n?" C/n asked you, stepping a little closer.

AAAA NO WAY SHE KNOWS ME ACK- "y-eah?" you responded, "wanna see my poetry workshop stuff?" "sure !" . Basically it was free write and write whatever you had on your mind, this is how it went: "hi so like idk what to write im bored and stuff. uh i have a cat, <insert pet name>, my cat and my crush lol ("uhhh....." ) idk ig. why is life so boring im so borrreddddd. idk blah blah. i uh need smth to do idk what to do.............. " c/n finished saying it aloud for you, "that was cool" Y/n gave c/n a thumbs up. "heh i know, and now i shall show you the locker bay (bc she is a grade older lol, you can make it same grade idc )" "take my hand" C/n offered, ...AA- 

Y/n gave her the left hand, "other hand silly!!" C/n laughed. "whoops lol" y/n said, giving c/n her right hand, and off you went, hand in hand.

AN - HEYYY WHat do you think :))

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