Part 1 - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

He continued to look closely at all the pieces around the room for a while. I yawned once more and sat down on the rug. He sat down in front of me.

"So, do you know why you don't have a spirit like Kova with you?" I ask.

"No." he said.

"It's simple. Your spirit is inside you. Her name is Raava, I think. But as far as everybody knows, Raava only has memories of all the Avatars after Avatar Korra. Kova might be able to help you reconnect to them but don't get your hopes up." I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"The distance between our world and the Spirit world has grown too far. There used to be a time when benders didn't need spirits to be here to supply them power. That's how close it used to be. So connecting with Raava is unlikely." I said.

He nodded while looking down. There was a pause.

"Did you ever enter the Avatar State?" I asked.

"I think I did once. A year ago, during the floods." He said.

"Was it because you lost your family?" I asked.

"Yeah, I saw them at the morgue so..." he said, with his fists closed firmly.

"Okay. All right." I said, quickly.

I didn't want any type of scene in this room. I guessed correctly since last year a huge flood occurred in the North-eastern state of Assam and landslides followed as well. Hundreds of people were injured, many dead and there was a high amount of property damage.  

"So! Here's what's going to happen. This year's Four-Nation Meeting is going to be held by me and I've chosen a place in Peru, South America. They have even agreed to send their representatives." I said.

"What's so special over there?" he asked.

"It once used to be Republic City. Now there are only ruins. I chose that place so that you can get some help too. A Spirit Portal used to be there. Rumor has it that some radioactivity can still be found." I said.

"Radioactivity?" he asked, puzzled.

"In terms of us, I meant residual spirit energy." I explained, reminded of how out of touch he is from the bending society. 

"I've never been there. How can I even find- "Dev started.

"You've never been here either." I said.

"What's so important about Raava?" he asked.

"Raava is the one to hold every memory of every Avatar. That's how the next one remembers them. We must go there and try to get Raava to sense it. Maybe then your connection can come back. Avatar Korra can also be someone to try connecting to first as well." I said.

"It's so unreal to me right now. I can't seem to believe this." He said.

"A spirit is inside you to help you bend all the four elements, right? Can you believe that?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He seemed nervous around the word Avatar. I don't want to believe this huge thing that's happening right now, but my eyes couldn't deceive me. I knew what I saw yesterday and before anything odd happens, I must help the Avatar become capable to defend himself. Or else he'll be in trouble.

"What will I do for three months?" he asked.

"Did you complete the 11th grade? We can get you into my school. In my class." I offered, while standing up and dusting myself.

"Wait a second! We're the same age?" he asked, realizing.

"Yes, we are." I replied.

"How do you know so much?!" he exclaimed.

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