17 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face

Start from the beginning

"I'm not sure if I really believe you."

"Well, that's on you, not me," Luna stated, yawning a little.

Noah smiled at her yawn, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I've also heard that Sundays are for coffee, which is sounding incredibly good to me, don't you agree?"

Luna scrunched up her nose slightly. "I'm more of a tea gal, but okay."

Noah sighed. "Well, Lunes, all we have is coffee in this house, so I'm making you some."

"Oh, how will I ever survive?"

"I think you'll manage." Noah ran his hand through her hair one last time before kissing her forehead. "But right now, there's a Luna on top of me, so I can't make said coffee."

"But you're comfy," Luna insisted.

"Okay, and I still want coffee," Noah voiced. "I'm not really seeing your point in this. C'mon, baby."

And, well. If waking up in the same bed as Noah after kissing him many times wasn't already Earth-shattering, that definitely did the trick.

Luna's entire body froze, and her heart pounded so fast against her chest she could hear it in her ears. Luna averted her gaze from Noah, readjusting her head so her cheek was laying on his chest instead. Her face got so warm she was sure it was the most red it had ever been, nothing but flush spreading up her cheeks. Okay, so apparently she had a weakness for pretty boys calling her baby. And it certainly didn't go unnoticed.

"Ooh," Noah let out, his voice going up in pitch as a smirk settled on his lips. "You like when I call you that, don't you?"

"Just give me a fucking minute," Luna said, no real bite behind her words. "My brain's short-circuiting."

"Sure thing, baby."

Luna rolled over so her back was facing him, burying her face into his pillow. "I hate you."

"Hmm, I don't think you do," Noah protested, draping himself across her back and pressing his lips right behind her ear. "You like me."

"I seriously don't know why, when your teasing is relentless."

"That's just because I like you too, Lunes."

Luna definitely couldn't help the smile that spread across her face from that. Even after hearing it from him last night, hearing it again was like magic. The giddiness, the butterflies ⁠ — it all felt so new, and the two of them were embracing it fully.

She rolled her head over a bit, opening one eye. "Mean it?"

"I promise," Noah told her, and by the seriousness in his voice, she knew he did mean it. He then rolled off of her fully and stood up, extending his hand out to her. "Come on."

Luna pushed the covers off of her ⁠ — shivering slightly from the air ⁠ — and grasped onto his hand. However, she wasn't quite prepared for how fast Noah was going to pull her up. The next second she was on the ground, stumbling forward slightly from the momentum. Luna giggled and practically crashed into Noah, who was laughing while catching her in his arms.

"Thanks for sending me flying," Luna said, backing away from him a little. "My favorite way to start the morning."

Noah nodded at her. "Oh, same."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now