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"YOU, wont do it

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"YOU, wont do it." Blair said making both boys turn their heads to her and not focusing on Sidney.

"Now we won't do what." Billy said walking closer to the girl. "You wont kill me." She said making Billy scoff.

"You wont kill me because you love me, it takes a very brave and very cold man to do that. Billy, i don't think you can." Blair said smiling to herself as she noticed Sidney and her father were gone. "Fuck god damn it! Why couldn't you have just gone with Tallulah. Why did you have to come here." Billy said knowing only one of them were going to make it out alive.

Before Blair could speak Stu piped up realising the gun was gone. "Uh Houston we have a problem."


"The gun, man. The gun. I put it right there, and it's not there." Stu said hoping Billy wouldn't get too mad.

"Where the fuck is it?" Billy said angrily as Gale entered the room with the gun pointed towards him.

"Right here ass hole." Gale said laughing.

"Hey Gale." Blair said waving at the woman, whilst she got a smile in return as Gale turned her head.

I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van comes to, stumbles on you two dipshits, finds the gun, foils your plan and saves the day." Gale said proudly.

"I know something you don't." Billy said making Blair nervous as she watched him give her the infamous Loomis grin.

"Fuck. No!" Gale said as she tried to shoot but nothing happened.

"Works better without the safety on. This is Gale Weathers, signing off." Billy said whilst kicking her towards Dewey and smiling at the two.

"Baby, you're gonna love this!" Stu said aiming it towards Sidney before he realised that Sidney was missing.

"Shit." The boy said knowing he ruined the plan once again. "What?" Billy said annoyed.

"What the fuck! Where are they, where are they!" Billy asked angrily as he looked around the kitchen for the girl.

"I don't know man, but i'm hurting." Stu said softly as he sat on the chair, making Blair almost feel sorry for him.

The three heard the phone rang and Blair smirked knowing it was Sidney, she watched as the two boys looked each other scared before answering the phone. "Are you alone in the house." Sidney asked making Billy start to swear.

"You bitch! Bitch! Where the fuck are you." Billy screamed shoving the knife around.

"Not so fast. We're gonna play
a little game. It's called guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass." Sidney said loudly making sure Blair heard her.

"Find her, you dipshit! Get up!" Billy said angrily.

"I can't, Billy. You cut me too deep. I think I'm dying here, man." Stu said sobbing making Blair start to cry for the boy.

"Talk to her. Talk to her." Billy said whilst carefully placing the phone under Stu's ear.


"Oh, Stu, Stu, Stu. What's your motive?
Billy's got one. The police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?" Sidney said hoping she was getting the boys angry.

"Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive." Stu said whilst coughing up blood.

"I'm gonna rip you up, you bitch, just like your fucking mother!" Billy screamed making Blair's eyes widen at his sudden anger.

"You've gotta find me first, you pansy-assed mama's boy!" Sidney said making Blair laugh as she knew her brother was definitely a momma's boy.

"Fuck!" Billy said storming off looking for Sidney as she shoved Blair out of the way.

"Ow. You fuckin' hit me with the phone, dick!" Stu said making Blair run towards him.

"Did you really call the police?" Stu said as he watched Blair kneel down next to him.

"You bet your sorry ass I did."

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me." Stu whines as Sidney hung up the phone. Blair watched as the phone hung down from the boys chair as he looked at her apologetically.

"I'm so sorry Blair, i really am. I hate to do this to you on your birthday too." Stu said sobbing.

"Oh Stu, i forgive you i promise, you and i both know you're not making it out of here alive and i'm sorry. I'm sorry for what Billy did or whatever he said to convince you to do this and i'll always love you, i promise." Blair said sobbing whilst holding tightly onto the boys hand.

"I love you, but i have to do this. For Billy." Stu said whilst standing up and going to find Sidney.

"Stu no!" Blair screamed but deciding not to go after him, after hearing a scream which she recognised to be Billy's. Blair ran towards the scream to see Billy collapse under the girls birthday sign.

"Billy!" Blair said whilst running towards the boy and putting his head in her lap. "God damn it Billy, why why why." The girl said as he tears fell onto the boys face making him open his eyes as he tried to speak.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry i did this on your birthday, happy birthday by the way?" Billy said making the girl let out a small chuckle.

"Not very happy anymore. Billy please don't leave me, you know i can't make it on my own. Please.." The girl said sobbing as Billy tried to raise his hand towards her face.

"I love you, little B. Never forget that and i'm always going to be here for you, i'm your older brother, and i'm sorry." Billy said whilst holding her face as Blair held onto his arm noticing Sidney walk in with a gun from the corner of her eyes.

"Sid, please. Don't shoot him, he's already dying can't you see! Don't shoot him Sid." Blair begged the girl in tears as she watched her boyfriend slowly stand up.

"Randy! Tell her please. Sid don't shoot him." Blair said sobbing as she heard Billy struggling to breath.

"I'll never forgive you if you shoot him Sidney. I promise you that. He's already fucking dying! Can't you see." Blair said begging her not to shoot, but she was too late as she heard the gun shot go off and Billy jump from her arms.

"NO! Billy.. fuck." Blair said sobbing as she grabbed onto the boys limp body and that's how the girl birthday would have ended. Holding her brothers dead body under her birthday sign as she held onto his hands and sobbed.

okay, but i'm literally wasn't that sad in the chapters but it was way sadder when i was planning it in my head. I'm planning to do two more chapters after this, the aftermath of the party, which will include Blair telling Tallulah what happened and about Tatum. And Billy's funeral, both chapters would be crucial to the plot for the next books, but if you don't want to read them then i'll glad you've liked the book so far.

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