5 | I wish that you could see 'em, their faces lighten up

Start from the beginning

"I made it," Luna whispered to herself.

Mary Jane. When it came to things about her career, Luna always told Mary Jane everything first. Luna knew that this was definitely top-secret information, but the email had also said that she could tell her family, and Mary Jane was family. There was nobody in the world that she wanted to tell this to than Mary Jane. Plus, Mary Jane could keep a secret — she was an actress, after all.

She looked up from her phone to see Foolish in his bedroom, also packing his bag. Luna let her phone fall on her bed and she ran up to her nightstand, grabbing the marker and pad of paper. Her hand shaking, she furiously scribbled Is MJ there? She held it up to the window and tapped it to get his attention.

At the noise, Foolish glanced over. He read her message quickly before grabbing his own paper and marker. Luna's heart pounded against her chest as she waited, and after a moment, Foolish held up his notepad to show that he had written YES. Luna flipped to a new page and quickly wrote I'm coming. She showed it to him for a moment, and he seemed confused, but nodded nonetheless.

Luna put down her notepad and marker before grabbing her phone and shoving on her slippers, which were the first pair of shoes she saw. She raced down the stairs and grabbed her keys absentmindedly. Luna shut the door behind her, barely remembering to lock it (don't worry, she did), before running over to Foolish's place next door. Her mind only registered the chilly air for a second before she just opened Foolish's door like she owned the place.

She ran up the stairs and stumbled into Foolish's bedroom, not noticing the clothes strewn across his bed. "Where is she?"

Foolish blinked at her. "Oh, well, hello to you, too. You know, nobody else would just barge into my house like an absolute madman like you." He then stopped, his eyebrows knitting in confusion. "Wait, are you crying?"

"Am I crying?" Luna reached up and touched her cheek, and sure enough, it was wet. She hadn't even realized. "I can't feel anything. Where's—"

"I thought I heard you," Mary Jane cut in, stepping into Foolish's room from the hallway. "What happened?"

"MJ." Luna turned to her best friend, smiling brightly. "I did it."

"What are you talking about? You're crying while smiling like you're a ray of sunshine, so it must be something good."

Luna thrust her phone into Mary Jane's hands. "Insanely good. Look."

Mary Jane started to read the email, and when she got to the part, her eyes widened and she slowly looked up. "No."

Luna nodded rapidly. "Yes. I double-checked."

Mary Jane's jaw dropped. "No!"

Luna let out a laugh, new tears shining in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands in excitement. "I did it."

"Lunes!" Mary Jane surged forwards, capturing the girl in her arms tightly. Luna giggled, wrapping her arms around Mary Jane as she swayed back and forth. "Oh my God, this is insane." Mary Jane jumped up and down in excitement for a moment, making Luna laugh a little harder. "I can't believe I've watched you grow into doing things like this. You've seriously come so far. Oh, Luna, I'm so proud of you." She pulled away a little to look at Luna, her face bright and shining with happiness. "I'm coming to every one, I swear to God."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now