The Discussion

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(Sheriff Toadster and Captain Fiddles haven't been given the Love Curse, so they're normal. Remember, this is not the end, there is still more to this story! The real epilogue comes at the end of the book.)

Captain Fiddles: You know, we just wanted to have a little discussion, especially about things you're not trusting or believing. So... we're trying our best to prove to you that we're right.

Y/N: Right about what?

Great, the discussion started with you being confused. They're not explaining things clear enough. Shaking your head, forgetting everything you worried about, you stared around observantly at each exit point, trying your best to see what was inside each one. This could be the most pointless room in the kindergarten. Who would come in this room and stay here forever? Hopefully no one owns a boring room like this. You noticed that the chameleon head was looking straight at the abyss, blinking it's eyes constantly and turning around several times.

Why would anyone just stare into the abyss when a discussion is beginning?

Tamataki: My name's Tamataki, I believe you already know the others. Here is my very annoying brother, Chamataki..... who is being stupid again.

Chamataki: Excuse me?!

It sounded as though Chamataki was almost speechless. He hardly said any word, and he was the only one remaining silent. The others were whispering together, as if they were having their own private discussion. Sitting down slowly, you watched the siblings argue when you were startled by one of their voices.

Jumbo Josh: Y/N.... your friend has betrayed you. And when I say 'have', I mean it.

Not true. Not at all.

Tamataki: See?

Y/N: What? What do you mean?

Tamataki: Oh, nothing.

Y/N: But I thought you sa-

Tamataki interrupted you by saying that it was nothing to worry about, but you wanted to know the truth.

Why did he act like he just read my mind?

Tamataki: Ugh, just calm down...(Tamataki doesn't actually have telepathy powers, it's just my crazy imagination)

Well, seems like he is the weird one here, that's what you would always think about peculiar people. There was something strange about Chamataki though. If Tamataki had telepathy powers, what kind of power did his brother have? As your thoughts passed by, Chamataki's eye began twitching, but not in a relaxed way. The more it twitched, the more you wanted to leave already. His feet shuffled across the ground, then finally something came out of his mouth.

Chamataki: Pathetic.

Sheriff Toadster: I think your bird friend is in terrible danger.

Y/N: What happened?

Sheriff Toadster: He was attacked and he almost died. Please, just care about your friends.

Y/N: I am! Well, not really...

Your voice fell into silence as you aimlessly paced around the platform, stopping to look at Chamataki after each long step. While Tamataki talked about his team, his voice echoed in your head.

Tamataki: So.... yeah. We make small discussions with people, that's how our team works!

Chamataki: Really, you should be more serious, I planned this myse-

Tamataki: Blah, blah, blah, yeah we get it!

Chamataki: If you're sure....

It was obvious that Tamataki was ignoring his brother. He rolled his eyes back to you as he continued talking. His voice made small stutters during his speech but the others didn't ask why.

Captain Fiddles: Okay, enough about the group, let's move on. So, Y/N, are there things your currently worrying about? Or have you recovered from a worry?

Y/N: Good question. I think I'm worrying about my friends mostly.

Tamataki: That's what we're trying to say, we want you to protect your friends.

Chamataki: Tama, I think we should let Y/N go to find them.

The turtle ignored Chamataki once again and talked again. Suddenly, a familiar yelp startled you. Pausing to look at the exit, the others looked at each other as Captain Fiddles sped through the hallways and guided you to the noise. You sprinted with him until you found Cyan, bleeding dangerously on his wing.


Without responding, he lifted his head to show a small scar on his forehead. You gasped in fright came closer.

Y/N: C-Cyan?

Cyan: I'm o-okay.... just... just got attacked.

Captain Fiddles: By who exactly?

Cyan: I fear that you and me would get in danger if I told you....

Y/N: Okay, get up. We'll find Stinger Flynn to heal you.

Cyan: But he's evil! He won't help us-

Y/N: It doesn't matter, just get up.

When Cyan got up, he wasn't walking properly, he was limping instead. You stared at his leg that had two small scars.

Y/N: Cyan, you're literally limping!

Cyan: I know, we should be asking Ban Ban instead to help us.

Y/N: You know what? That's actually a good idea.

You followed Cyan into Ban Ban's room where the red figure was tidying up boxes.

Ban Ban: What now- oh.... that looks bad.

Ban Ban eyed the state of Cyan and picked up a small box of bandages.

Ban Ban: So, what happened?

Cyan: I can't tell. He'll get more aggressive if I did.

Ban Ban: I understand. Stand still for one sec.

After he put on the bandages, Ban Ban drooped his body, as if he were sad. He looked at you with despair and muttered.

Ban Ban: Uhhhh... as for Silent Steve... I think he went missing. But he's still in the kindergarten.

Chamataki: Who's still in the kindergarten?

Peeking through the door was Chamataki with his brother, both wearing confused faces.

Ban Ban: Silent Steve. He went missing and no one knows where he is.

Tamataki: Oh, about him. Well, we're sorry to say this, but....

You stared at the turtle who had his eyes darting everywhere. His brother looked at him with a bewildered face, forcing Tamataki to talk.

Tamataki: Silent Steve is dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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