Ban Ban x Reader PROLOGUE

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Opila bird: Dang it, no one's here. I was expecting someone to be here...

She walked slowly through the corridor, turning her head several times to look behind. There was nothing to break the silence. Opila bird approached a door and opened it but no one was inside. Suddenly, an orange jellyfish charged towards her with a green chemical substance in his hand.

Stinger Flynn: Oh, sorry about that, I thought you were Y/N.

Opila Bird: And where have you been?

As Stinger Flynn turned around, Opila bird batted her eyes twice to get his attention again.

Stinger Flynn: I just came out of my lab. Where were you?

The pink bird looked at the ground and murmured a few words under her breath, as if she were dreaming.

Opila bird: I just came out of the Comms sector. But there was this strange pink thing with a purplish nose, I didn't even recognize them.

Stinger Flynn: Where were they?

Opila bird: They were in the room where the givaniam thingy was.

Stinger Flynn: Hmmmm... I can't tell his name because... we never talk about him.

Opila bird: Why can't we talk about him?

Opila bird has never been this intruiged before, she wanted to know this person's name.

Stinger Flynn: You see, in my personal opinion, he doesn't belong here. He is an outcast, and I don't know why Ban Ban even made him.

He shook his head and said goodbye. Trying her best to stop thinking about that mysterious person, Opila bird continued walking until she reached her walk way. She went inside the cage room where her chicks were locked.

Cyan: Ugh... she's back.

Opila bird: Don't talk to me like that!

Cyan: I'm sorry, I just have the right to talk to you like that.

Opila bird: You're just too hard, aren't you?

Cyan: Yes, and you're easy. That's why you give up easily.

Opila bird: Shut up! I was just checking on you! Anyways, have any of you seen a strange pig- like creature?

Opila bird: Shut up! I was just checking on you! Anyways, have any of you seen a strange pig- like creature?

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Picture of opila bird and Flynn cuz why not
I made the picture btw + this is what they look like

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