005. bubbles

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You couldn't fall asleep last night overwhelmed by your thoughts. You're worried how this hiking trip's gonna turn out. You fell asleep around 3 a.m. just to be woken up by little gremlins at 6. You love them endlessly but sometimes it takes everything in you not to throw them out of the house. Caroline already told Cecilia that they're going to meet their father and now it's all they talk about. You didn't tell them that Daniel's going on the trip with you. 

"I know you're excited but stop talking, please, and finish your pancakes. You'll need a lot of energy for today, sweethearts"

Of course girls didn't stop talking, they lowered their voices instead as if you couldn't hear them anymore. But you heard every word. They were making plans about watching Disney with dad, showing him their drawings and playing hide and seek with him. In their imaginations they're already having fun with daddy. You're just worried that Ricciardo won't be this excited. What if this is going to be the first and the last time he's meeting them? What if he decides it's too much for him and leaves? But is it even possible not to fall in love with these beautiful girls? You glared at them giggling and playing with their food. They're always happy and in sync. They are curious, outgoing, smart and pure. There's no way you can not fall for them. 


It's 10:58. She told you to come at 11 a.m. and you were at hers by 10:54. You're standing like an idiot waiting for the perfect time to knock. You nervously look at your watch. You spent the night scrolling through Isla's instagram. You couldn't stop looking at girls and their big smiles. You told Scotty about it and sent him some pictures of the girls. He also noticed that they smile the same way as you do. You've seen many children in your life but none of them were half as adorable as Cecilia and Caroline. Even their names were great. Moore and you shared only one night together but she still somehow managed to give them names that would mean something to you too. Those girls have to be pure magic and it kind of makes you worry. There's a bit of doubt that they won't like you. What if they won't like the teddies you bought them? What if they'll be super cautious around you? It's 11 but you're afraid to knock. But you do it anyways.

"Hi, Daniel. Come in"

"Hi, Isla. Where are the girls?"

You asked as soon as you walked in. You didn't want to sound impatient but Cecilia and Caroline are the only reason you're there. Isla looked tired and nervous. But still beautiful. She smiled at the thought of her daughters. 

"They're upstairs. I haven't told them you're coming today. But they know their dad wants to meet them. They're excited"

This is scary. They're excited and you don't want to ruin this. You want to fit into their expectations but don't know how. You ran your fingers through hair and let out a sigh. It's happening. Your heart wants to jump out of your body and run straight to the girls. 

"Follow me and just be yourself. They may be a little shy at first"

You nodded and went after her. The door to girls' room were open but you couldn't see them. You were only able to hear their cute voices. This sound's so new and yet felt so familiar. You'd love to hear it everyday. You stepped into the room and noticed some movement inside of the teepee tent. Isla walked up to the tent and opened the curtains. Two heads turned into your direction in curiosity. You could see their shiny eyes from the distance. You crouched down to be at their eye level. 

"Won't you say hi to your daddy, sweethearts?"

Daddy. It's still weird to think you're a father but you like it. Girls ran out of their tent wrapped their little arms around your neck. That's not what you were expecting. It's better. You hugged them back thinking how perfectly they fit into your arms. This is the first embrace you share with them but it feels so right somehow. There must be some invisible string tying them to you. Now you finally met. 

"My bubbles"

You smiled with closed eyes enjoying this moment. But girls let go off of you and scan your face. 

Caroline: "I like your hair"

Cecilia: "Me too"

"You can touch it if you want to"

And so they did. They'd probably play with your hair forever but Isla told them to go put on their shoes since you're all going out. You stood up and looked at Isla still smiling. You have to talk but not now. 

"Okay, you can get in the car, I'll join you in a minute"

"Okay, let's go bubbles"

Girls grabbed your hands and you walked up to the car. They jumped into they car seats and you helped them fasten their seatbelts. You're not sure where you're going or how long the road is going to be but you decided to seat in the backseat between the girls. You want to be close to them and talk with them. Isla only looked at the three of you with smile and got in the car. 


You spent the day out of the town. Walking up the hills, looking for forest animals and taking tons of pictures. Girls were holding Daniel's hands all the time and he seemed to enjoy it. He told them about his work and promised them to take them to the race. It was a good day. Full of smiles and joy. At the end all of you were tired. Girls fell asleep on the way home so now you're sitting in the car in the odd silence. 

"I don't want to go yet. I wish I could stay with them forever"

You turned your head to look at him. He seems sad. He really wants them in his life.

"Well... We could put girls to my bed and you could sleep with them. There's enough space for the three of you"

Your offer was bold and fast but his face lighten up. 

"What about you? Where are you going to sleep?"

"Maybe on the couch or in girls' room"

"Why won't you sleep with us? It's your room and your bed"

"I don't think it's a good idea. We won't have much space and neither you nor I will enjoy the night" 

"No, that would be the second best night in my life"

Your heart stopped for a little while just to beat like crazy a moment later. He didn't have to specify it, you knew exactly what he meant. 

twin flames ⠀∫⠀ ricciardoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt