Fault | Sam Trapani

Start from the beginning

After throwing things about he finds the bullets, Paulie passed some back to Sam who had just come back in returning to his seat. Glaring at his form again in the mirror, he catches your eye again before you turn back to the road. He sighed in frustration.

"I don't know why you're so mad, this is just another day." Your mouth forming into an o' because of his stupidity. For some reason it still surprised you.

"Just another day? Would another day have you blundering up a job because of your arrogance? You got Paulie shot for Christ's sake!" You yelled at him, narrowly avoiding a car who turned out in front of you.

Sam replied, "It's a graze, it barely nicked him!" Rolling his eyes at your exaggeration.

"It doesn't matter! He's still hurt, and you fucked up! I can't believe you even did this! This is such a Paulie move! You're usually the mature one!" You spoke, insulting Paulie in the process.

Paulie frowned at your comment, "I'm right here, and that hurt Y/n!" You turn to look at his upset face making you feel guilty.

"I'm sorry darling. I take that back. This was all Sam's fault!" You apologize. Sam scoffs again throwing his hands up.

"Nothing I do ever pleases you!" He argued back, trying to defend himself.

You sigh, pulling off the road and turning a sharp corner into a narrow alley. "I'm sorry, but it just bugs me when you let unnecessary emotions take over!"

He replied, "He was saying awful and disgusting things about you! Was I just supposed to let him get away with that?"

Nodding your head, "Yes! Because a job is a job, and we get our jobs done! What do you think Don is gonna say when he finds out it backfired because you let your emotions get the better of you?!" Turning back onto the road going further in the opposite way of the other guys.

Sam looked behind trying to see if they were still following. "I don't care, I won't let filth talk down on you!"

Taking a deep breath in, you calm yourself. You appreciated Sam more than anybody knew and you loved that he cared so much. But he let his feelings get the better, and the Don isn't gonna appreciate Sam's sudden case of heroism that lost his deal.

"Sammy, I appreciate you care about my wellbeing, and I love you for it! But the job always comes first and we don't let anything get in the way of that." You replied, waving your arm about nearly hitting Paulie in the face that had settled in his seat again to watch the argument unravel.

Shaking his head, he rolled his eyes turning to look out the windows, watching the buildings pass by.

Realising you're not getting anything else out of him, you relax your shoulders that had tensed in the high-speed chase, continuing your short journey to the bar.

Pulling into the entrance of the alley, you park your car out the back of the bar that the Don had turned into your homebase. Pushing open your door, you quickly rushed around to Paulie's side. Swinging the door open you glance upon his pained expression.

"Oh Paulie, dear, are you okay? Should I take you to Doc?" Shaking his head, he waves off your worry.

He replied, "No I'm okay, it's just a scratch, nothing I can't handle on my own." Trying to dismiss your help.

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