"Don't listen to him, Cassie. He's just trying to use you." Mr. Davenport says.

"I'm serious! Krane is after Cassie, you need to get her somew..." Before Douglas could finish what he was saying, Mr. Davenport hangs up the call.

"Douglas is up to something. He's obviously trying to distract us with this Krane guy." Mr. Davenport says.

"Well, maybe so, but what if he's telling the truth?" Chase says.

"Yeah. We've seen Krane face to face." Bree says. "He's a total creep."

"Yeah. Nice eyes, though." Adam says.

"Trust me, this is exactly what Douglas wants. Don't fall for his trap. My brother is the real threat." Mr. Davenport says.

I know Mr. Davenport thinks his brother might be the real problem here but what if he isn't this time? What if something more sinister is going on here? I can almost feel it in my bones. Something big is going to happen. But I'm not sure what yet.


"Good news." Mr. Davenport says. Adam, Bree, Chase, and I were all down in the lab getting ready for school. Leo had already left for school.

"We're kicking Chase off the team?!" Adam says.

"No. Until I figure out what's going on with Douglas, nobody's going to school." Mr. Davenport says. Adam, Bree, and I cheered while Chase groaned.

"Aw. No way! I'm gonna miss my chemistry test!" Chase says.

"Nerdiest sentence ever," I say.

"Well, Leo already left," Adam says.

"I sent Tasha to pick him up. In the meantime, we have a new state-of-the-art security fence, capable of withstanding any threat." Mr. Davenport says. "Even bionic ones. Behold! The..."

"Wait! Let me guess! The Daven-fence!" Bree says.

"No, that's lame." Mr. Davenport says. "This is the new cyber security perimeter Daven-wall!" Mr. Davenport says. "I control it remotely from my wrist." He scans his thumb on his wrist remote.

"Lab security perimeter engaged." A computer voice says as the wall turns on.

"Whoa," Adam says.

"Yeah. And this little baby can only be turned on and off using my personal thumb print." Mr. Davenport says.

"Mr. Davenport, I applaud your efforts, but I could easily break out of this thing by using my fingerprint recognition app," Chase says.

"Uh, actually, ya can't. I removed my fingerprints from your database. But, I can come and go anytime I want." Mr. Davenport says. "By wearing this." He points to his wrist remote.

"But, wait, what if you lose the remote?" Adam says. "We'll be stuck in here forever."

"I'm not gonna lose the remote." Mr. Davenport says.

"But, what if it runs out of batteries?" Adam asks.

"It doesn't use batteries." Mr. Davenport says.

"What if you lose your thumbs?!" Adam says.

"I'm not gonna lose my thumbs!" Mr. Davenport yelled before leaving the lab.

"Just because he says it confidently does not mean it can't happen," Adam says to us.

At school, as Leo walks away from his locker, he sees Douglas and screams like a girl. "I mean...ah!" Leo says doing a manly scream and putting up his fists.

Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now