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The winter holiday brings mixed feelings.  Some are happy, getting into the Christmas spirit.  For others, the time can cause seasonal depression, being stuck inside all day.  But for Y/N, it is anxiety.  It is time for her to report back to the Dark Lord.

Matteo taps his fingers against the table, quite bored before the meeting starts.  He is sat next to his father, like always.  But there is something different. Across from him, on the other side of his father, is an empty chair, one that has just been added.

"Who is the empty chair for?" Matteo questions to Draco, who is sitting beside him.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise," Draco smirks slightly.

Before Matteo can question again, the doors open.  His eyes grow wide, almost letting his mouth fall open.

"Ah, Y/N.  How lovely to see you again," Voldemort greets, gesturing towards the empty seat.

Y/N gives a small smile and nod, glancing around the table before sitting.  Her eyes land on the person across from her, surprise and confusion written across her face.  She sits down, suddenly growing a lot more nervous.

"I believe you've met my son, Matteo?  He is under a different last name at Hogwarts, of course," Voldemort says.

"Yes sir, we have met," Y/N nods, tearing her eyes away from the boy to focus.

"Wonderful, no need for introductions.  I trust you bring information.  Share what you have been up to and please, don't spare any detail," the man leans in to listen.

"Um right, well first I befriended Hermione Granger, one of Potters friends.  And as I became closer with her, she invited me to join a club, called Dumbledore's Army, lead by Potter.  They are learning defense spells since we are not learning anything in class, but it is specially geared towards you. Potter knows you are rising," Y/N explains.

"Excellent.  Continue," Voldemort waves his hand.

"Then I got closer with Potter.  I eventually was able to make him fall for me, so now we are dating I suppose," Y/N shrugs slightly, glancing at Matteo, who can barely contain his shock.

Draco kicks his friend, causing him to go back to a neutral state.

"You've done well, Y/N," Voldemort places his hand on hers, much like a parent.  "Keep up the good work, and you will be rewarded in the summer with a new task, and something special".

Y/N nods, feeling quite proud of herself.  The meeting continues on like normal, with not much else to talk about.  Y/N doesn't pay much attention to what is being said, especially with being distracted by Matteo.

"You are all dismissed," Voldemort says, disappearing.

People begin leaving, mingling around for a bit.  Y/N stands, quickly heading for the door, not wanting to speak with Matteo.  She is stopped by someone grabbing her hand.

"I do believe I have the upper hand now, don't I princess?" Matteo smirks.

Y/N freezes, her eyes growing wide.  She turns to him, biting the inside of her lip nervously, and gives a small nod.  She hates being weak and vulnerable in front of him, but now that she knows, she is worried she'll be killed at any second.

"Got nothing to say to me, love?" he places her hand under her chin, making her look at him.  "My father said I can do anything I'd please with you.  Except kill you, of course.  At least not yet".

Y/N's eyes widen, looking at the boy with fear.  Oh how she regrets all the mean things she's said to him.

"You're so fun to mess with," he whispers, chuckling darkly before letting her go.

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