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The next few days go as normal.  Y/N steals glances at Harry, ensuring that he catches her eye when doing so.  This causes him to then steal glances at her.  Every time they catch each other, a blush rises to the famous boys' cheeks.  Perfect.

Today is the first match of the season, and starting off strong with Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.  Everyone comes to watch these matches, even those not interested in Quidditch.

"Good luck, Y/N," Harry says, standing in front of the Slytherin table in the Great Hall.

Y/N looks up surprised, but quickly regains her composure with a smile on her face, "Thanks Harry.  You as well, and you too Ron".

Ron merely nods, clearly not eager to be at the Slytherin table.  Harry remains standing there for a moment too long, causing Ron to roll his eyes and pulls his friend away.

"I see the way you have been making googly eyes at Cara.  Don't let her become a distraction," Oliver Wood says once the two boys return to the Gryffindor table.

"If you want to impress her then win," Ron says, gritting his teeth.

"Ron's right, Harry.  Y/N is a really good player too," Hermione nods.

"I'll be fine," Harry rolls his eyes slightly.

The game is a dirty one, as they typically are with Slytherin.  Plus it is pouring rain, which only makes things worse.  Y/N is in a constant battle with not only Gryffindor, but also Matteo.  Even though they are on the same time, they are constantly competing for who is the best chaser.

Y/N scowls as the stadium cheers for Matteo scoring a point.

He flies over to her, smirking, "Is there a problem. love?"

"You took my shot!" she yells over the cheering.

"Would you two stop bickering!" Draco yells as he whizzes by.

They continue fighting the entire game.  He pushes against her broom, almost sending Y/N flying off it.  She scowls, trying to do the same thing, but instead hits Draco.  Everything halts when Potter catches the Golden Snitch.

"You cost us the game!" Y/N scowls as her and Matteo land. 

"Me?  You're the one who can't stand when someone is better than you," the boy rolls his eyes, casually leaning against his broom.

Y/N growls slightly, lunging forward to punch the boy in the face.  He instinctively leans back, but doesn't have to.  Draco and Theo grab her arms, holding her back.

"What the hell has gotten into you?!" Theo scowls slightly.

"I can't stand him," Y/N scowls, crossing her arms.  "You should have let me hit him".

"Y/N, are you okay?" Harry asks, walking over.

"Hi Harry," Y/N sighs, trying to be friendly but really doesn't want to put up with him right now.

"Oh yeah, go cry to Potter about your problems," Matteo scowls.

"Why are you such an ass?" Y/N steps towards the boy once again.

"Y/N," Harry gently grabs her hand.

Y/N freezes, knowing she has to make a very calculated move right now.  The last thing she wants is to go with Harry, especially because she knows she will never hear the end of it from her friends, or worse, Matteo.  But this is the perfect opportunity to get closer with him.

She internally groans, turning to face Harry.  She wraps her arms around him, enveloping him in a hug.  Harry stumbles back, surprised before hugging back.

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