29| Teddy's Findings

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''In fact, I was with Daphne Greengrass.'' 

''Isn't she married?''

''..Before she was married.'' 

Teddy nodded, watching his mother shake her head with a soft smile and a laugh almost rising from her chest. She turned back to the food, seemingly, dinner was close to being done. Teddy thought back to the plan between his friends. And if anyone was going to give more information, it would most likely be Theo. 

''How about my Mum?'' He suddenly asked, Y/n snapping her head around to look at him. ''Did she have anyone?'' Now, he knew what he was doing. He just wanted to hear from them. And since Scorpius wanted to know some of the details, it's a win-win.

Theo slowly nodded, looking down at the grey counter. ''Yeah, she did. As a matter of fact, it was Draco Malfoy.'' 

Teddy pretended to be surprised. 

''Yeah, that's right.'' Theo sighed, slumping in his stool. ''And I knew before anyone else that they would be together. Almost perfect for one another.'' 

''You did not.'' Y/n called again from the kitchen. 

''Yes, I did.'' Theo tried defending. ''Just like I knew Blaise and Pansy would be something.'' 

Y/n gave a bored look, making Teddy stifle a laugh. He held his hand over his mouth, elbows rested against the counter to uphold himself. 

''You punched her.'' 

''So? That doesn't change anything.''

''Yes, it does.'' 


''Would you really punch your best friends, soon to be, girlfriend?'' Y/n teased, dropping the spoon on a paper towel that rested on the counter. ''After all, since you already knew that they'd be an item, why'd you do it?'' 

Theo grumbled, rolling his eyes and turning his back to Y/n in a playful manner. ''I mean, she deserved it.'' 

''You make a valid point.'' Y/n nodded, looking down at the noodles. ''But now, she's not so bad. Quite helpful, if I do say.''

Teddy hummed, playing with the ends of his sleeves. Now, he wasn't one to go prying into one's business. Let alone ask about their past. He always felt that he crossed over a certain line, or triggered someone's boundaries. He didn't want that happening with his Mum. So, he treaded lightly when asking questions.

Thankfully, Theo had been the one to keep the topic going.

''I remember seeing how he acted at the Yule Ball.'" Theo reminisced. ''He watched as you danced with all the others. And he was stuck with Astoria.''

''I remember that.'' Y/n nodded. ''Pansy came and took Blaise for a dance, leaving Draco with Astoria. Cedric came and danced with me, then.'' 

''It seemed like you ended up dancing with everyone that night. I caught a few jealous looks from Cedric's fans. They didn't look pleased, whatsoever.'' 

''Really?'' Teddy looked back and forth between Theo and his Mum. He liked hearing these stories, whether they had been about bad times or good. ''Where were you? I thought you were dancing with Daphne.''

''I was. But we went to sit down after she complained about the heels. Plus, it was crowded after the Weird Sisters had made an appearance.'' Theo shrugged. ''I seem the other girl Cedric was with, too. Don't remember the name.''


''Yeah, her.'' He snapped his fingers with a short laugh. ''She looked pissed. Though, she can never decide. It's either Cedric or Harry. You can't have both.''

[✓] 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. draco malfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin