Chapter 17: The Siege of Foxington

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As Leo and his gang arrived in Foxington, they were greeted by the sight of chaos and destruction. The city was under attack by a group of mercenaries, hired by the Bluejays to weaken the Redcliff's allies. Buildings were burning, people were screaming, and the sound of clashing swords and magical explosions filled the air.

Without hesitation, Leo and his friends joined the battle, fighting alongside the Foxington soldiers and other volunteers. They were able to hold off the first wave of mercenaries, but more were coming, and the situation looked grim.

Suddenly, a horn sounded from the walls of the city, signaling the arrival of reinforcements. Leo and the gang looked up to see a group of werefoxes and Greminal elves charging towards the enemy lines. The werefoxes transformed into their fox forms, darting around the battlefield, attacking the mercenaries from all sides, while the Greminal elves used their archery skills to take them down from a distance.

Leo and his friends followed suit, jumping into the fray with renewed vigor. They fought with all their might, taking down enemy after enemy, until they found themselves face to face with Delimon, the bloodmage responsible for poisoning Lord Foxington.

Delimon was a tall, imposing figure with dark eyes and a cruel smile. He held a staff made of black wood, and his robes were stained with blood. As soon as he saw Leo and his gang, he raised his staff and summoned a group of undead warriors to attack them.

Leo and his friends fought bravely, but the undead were relentless. They kept coming, no matter how many times they were cut down. It seemed like they were winning, until Delimon joined the fight himself.

The bloodmage was a formidable opponent. He had mastered the art of blood magic, using his own blood to fuel his spells. He summoned dark tendrils of energy, which lashed out at Leo and his friends, sending them flying backwards. He raised the dead, summoning skeletal warriors and zombies to fight for him, and he even conjured up a giant spider made of pure shadow, which attacked them from above.

It was a fierce battle, but in the end, Leo and his friends emerged victorious. They managed to take down Delimon, but not before he had revealed the location of Cheddar, the horned demon who had been captured and held hostage by the Bluejays.

Leo and the gang made their way to the hidden prison where Cheddar was being held. They fought their way through guards and traps, until they finally reached Cheddar's cell. The horned demon was weak and wounded, but he was still alive.

"Thank you," Cheddar said, as Leo and his friends freed him from his chains. "I thought I was done for."

Leo nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "We're not done yet," he said. "We still have a war to win."

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