Chapter 12

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"Hey Pookie, this is certainly a surprise. Is everything okay?" Sean asked as Celeste entered his office a month later. "What can I do for you?"

"We need to talk," she said nervously.

"What's wrong?" Sean asked as his phone started ringing. He held up a finger and answered it, "Owen, I need to call you back, Celeste is here needing to talk to me about something. I don't know, Owen, she just walked in. Okay, bye." He shut his phone, "Owen said one of the guys will pick up Fae so you don't have to rush talking to me."

"I appreciate it," Celeste nodded.

"Now tell me what's going on," Sean said seriously.

"I need a test done privately and off the records," she said equally serious. "Please Sean."

He looked at her concerned, "What kind of test, Celeste? STD?"

"No," she shook her head. She opened her purse and reached in. "I've taken two but with my health I know I can't completely trust them and I," she sighed heavily, "I know I can trust you to be honest with me, Sean." She smirked slightly and shrugged, "Plus it helps that you already know my medical history."

"Oh Pookie," Sean whispered as he saw her hold out the two pregnancy tests. He took them and saw the very faint lines indicating positive results. "Please don't take this the wrong way—"

"It's fine Sean," she shook her head, "I know what you're going to ask and the only person I've been with during the time of conception is Liam."

"Have you discussed this with him yet?" Sean asked as he slipped on gloves.

"Hey Doc, I brought you..." Silas trailed off as he entered the room. "Hey Angelos Mou, what are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Perfect timing Silas," Sean said as he rolled his chair over to Celeste. "Take your favorite cuddler's hand Pookie and squeeze as hard as you need, you know he can take it."

"Guess what I saw out on the boat this morning Angelos Mou," Silas smiled softly as he pushed some hair out of her face. "The sunrise was so beautiful too, you would have definitely taken a lot of pictures and had Gabe paint them for you."

"Did you take pictures?" she asked as she hissed while Sean started drawing some blood.

"You know I did," he smiled gently, "look at these." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the gallery so she could scroll through the photos.

"Oh wow," she whispered as she scrolled through them. "Oh, this one Silas!" she gasped when she saw the perfect one. "Look at the rays hitting the water, the reflection, the way the colors blend together, this is perfect."

"Alright," he chuckled, "I'll let Gabe know you found the perfect one. You know he will be excited to make you a new masterpiece."

Sean stood and removed his gloves, "I'll be right back Celeste and then we'll talk."

She nodded as Silas held the cotton ball on her then started wrapping the tape to hold it in place. "Why is Doc taking your blood, Angelos Mou?"

She nodded her head over to Sean's desk, "Over there, you'll see. It's kind of hard to miss." Silas took the few steps over to the desk, "I trust Sean to be honest with me."

"And he already knows your medical history," Silas said as he picked up the tests. "Have you talked to Liam yet?"

"No," she shook her head. "I wanted to be sure first."

Silas walked back over to her and sat on Sean's rolling chair in front of her. "Well, no matter what happens next we will all be here for you Angelos Mou," he cupped her face in his hands, "always."

She smiled sadly, "that's Luke's saying."

He chuckled, "he won't have a problem with me saying it right now, I'm sure."

She let out a barely there sigh when he hugged her, "Thank you Silas."

"Anytime Angelos Mou," he chuckled, "I am your favorite cuddler after all."

"That's true," she giggled.

"Oh no, you know better than to giggle Pookie," Sean smirked as he came into the office. "Do you need the cure?"

She cleared her throat and stepped out of Silas' hold. "So, what does it say, Sean?"

Sean walked over to his desk and cleared his throat as he sat down. "I think you already know the answer to that, Pookie."

She nodded and let out the breath she was holding, "Alright, well then," she nodded again, "guess I need to make a phone call really quick." She smiled gratefully at Silas when he gently squeezed her knee as she held the phone up to her ear. "Hey Liam, I need to tell you something," she took a deep breath and shakingly let it out. "I'm pregnant, Liam." Her breath hitched then she cleared her throat, "Okay, yeah, no, I understand. Ok, yeah, goodbye." She dropped her phone into her bag and looked down at her lap, "Um," she cleared her throat, "excuse me for a moment." She stood and headed for the door.

"Angelos Mou?" Silas asked as he stood and faced her. "What did he say?"

She turned to face Silas and Sean, letting them see the beginning of tears in her eyes. Her voice shook, "He just signed a five-year contract in Dubai." She cleared her throat, "He also said that he doesn't want any children. He was okay with Fae because he would never have to actually be a parental figure in her life, just a friend. He has never had the desire to be a parent and if I decide to go through with it, he will sign any paperwork, so he does not have to be a parent."

Silas sighed, "Oh Angelos Mou." Sean and Silas walked over to her and hugged her, trapping her in between them. "Don't think for one moment you will be alone in this. We are here for you and the baby. So Doc, what's the plan?"

"No more taking your antidepressants and let's get you started on prenatals and I'll be giving you progestrogen like with Fae," Sean nodded as she stepped out of their hug. "Now, how about we go home and let the others know?"

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