Part 2

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Y/N's POV: It's been 4 months now since I've been living with Cealus. I still miss my father a lot. I'd never forget the horrible state I saw him in.

Cealus: Good morning sunshine! How are you feeling today?

Y/N: great *you said in a sarcastic tone*

Cealus: Are you okay sweetheart?

Y/N: What do you think huh dumb dumb

Cealus: H-Hey! Whats with the attitude?

Y/N: I don't know Cealus! Maybe it's because I still haven't forgave you for slaughtering my father

Cealus: :( S-Sorry I.....

Y/N: You?

Cealus: It's just.

Y/N: If you haven't killed my father probably I wouldn't have showed you an attitude CEALUS

Cealus: *tears form in eyes and begins to cry* I...... I'm sorry princess. I-I didn't mean to. I-I couldn't control myself. I just wanted you a-all to myself. I..... *balls and cry*

Y/N: I'm sorry Cealus come so I can hug you

POV: He lays on your cheats and you rob his head and kissed him on his forehead. You comfort him to try to cool him down until he stops crying

Y/N: see everything would be alright

Cealus: *sobs* C-Can I give you a kiss?

Y/N: Sure Cealus ❤️

POV: Cealus kisses you. He didn't stop. You wanted to break the kiss but you couldn't. That's when it clicked. You liked him

Ummm child anyways so. I know this is shorter than the first part but the next part of the story is coming soon

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