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I loathed the arrival of 6:00. Yes I wanted to make myself go out, but I still didn't like it. So when the arrival text from Chris appeared, I made myself walk out. Their car was parking in front of my house, and I saw everyone in there waiting for me. I raise my hand awkwardly and wave before I get to the car.

I'm surprised that I get a glance from Matt. It's not anything sweet. In fact, it's a mean glare, but only for a second or two.

"Hey" someone says but I'm too focused on the weird and mean look from Matt to notice who. No one says anymore until they get back to whatever they were talking about before I got here. I sit pretty lonely in the very back seat, by myself.

Once we get there, the house is pretty full. Cars line up down the street. Everyone gets out and starts walking immediately, and I struggle to climb over the seat and hurry out to catch up to them.

Everyone goes to different directions, which I hate. I would rather stick with someone I know. Yes, I do know of pretty much everyone here. Some I actually know a little bit, but that doesn't stop me from being intimidated.

I try to just navigate to the back door, maybe making an escape to the fresh air outside. I haven't been to many parties. Definitely not one like this. I have been to many birthday parties before, but this wasn't even a birthday party. It was a party party. With lots of bad things that could happen.

Before I even got sight of a door, and tall person comes around the corner, bumping me slightly. I plan to just keep walking, not wanting to embarrass myself. But it's just Ziggy, the boy who was throwing this party. Adrianna is pretty cool with him, and I think they might have something going on. She did say once that he was her type. He was the type of tall that was scary. Not that he was like NBA basketball height, but just his build was. He had dark eyes and hair.

"My bad- oh, Blair" he notices. I nod awkwardly. I think for a second that I should put my hand out, but then decide against it. That would definitely be awkward. And weird. I did not want to be the weird girl at a party.

"Where's your, uh, group or whatever?" I had been waiting for this question. Every time I see someone, they always ask where my "group" is or just requesting one person. I guess I don't really mind, because I can just say no and walk away, because it's obvious they don't want to talk to me.

"I guess everyone split" I say true fully.

"That's ok I'll just hang with you" he insists. I just nod agreeing, not having anything better to do. It's not like I'm very friendly with many people here. He starts walking, and I just follow, unsure of where he is going. I struggle at first to keep up when we pass through certain rooms that are crowded.

I finally am right behind him when we reach a pair of stairs. I had already saw some stairs earlier. This house really was big. We finally reach upstairs and the hallway is a lot less full than downstairs.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously. He turns around with a quite surprised look.

"Oh, you followed? I didn't expect you to be that cool. Cmon" and he keeps walking. Firstly, he said he would just hangout with me. Of course I followed. And what does he mean by he didn't expect me to be so cool? That has to be some type of insult, right?

We finally reach a door, and when he opens it, the smoke in the room takes its chance to escape. There were kids just...smoking? And other probably illegal things too. He nudged his head in that direction, inviting me in.

"Oh I don't do this stuff" I try to say politely, still not wanting to offend anyone. It really was none of my business. I just turned to leave, but his hand on my shoulder stopped me.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐮𝐬                                     ✭ 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙤 ✭Where stories live. Discover now