The Meeting

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Kamau Pov- Present day (Mafia pov)

My alarm rings loudly, causing me to jump up in shock. I had only just fallen asleep a few hours prior. I slowly sit up, feeling my muscles tighten and tense in protest of not getting enough sleep after last night. I shakily stand up and shut the alarm off before reading the clock. 5:32am it read. I sigh and check my phone to see if Bolt needed me immediately. No notifications.

Bolt is probably still asleep... like always. I think to myself while grabbing a fresh suit and towel. As I walk into the bathroom and start the shower I let my mind wander, "ever since I've known bolt, she's always slept. The day she's out of her room before 7:30am is the day I will be afraid."

I wash my hair, massaging some soap into my skull, and hope today isn't super busy. Then it hits me: Bolt and I have a meeting at 8am.

I groan in frustration and finish showering. Once I'm out, I plug in the hair dryer and turn it on, starting to slowly dry my hair out. Once that's done I pull on my fresh suit, a navy blue color with a black button up undershirt and black tie. I then put on my black steel toe dress shoes and tie them, before exiting the bathroom and checking the time.

As soon as I see it, my eyes widen in horror. There's no way I spend that long int the shower. The clock reads: 6:38am, there went my morning plans of laying in bed. Instead, I walk out of my room smiling at my bodyguard and head to the garden room.

Despite being a mafia leader, my favorite hobby is gardening. I have a massive garden on my floor that the mansion gets all of its fruit and vegetables from.

I grabbed a watering can and walked to the hose. I turned it on, feeling the cold metal under my hand, the squeak of it starting up, a sound I've come to love. I listen to the water rush into the watering can and sigh contently as I turn it back off, hearing the squeak once again.

I walk to the tomato plants and pour some water on them, thoroughly checking to see if anything has sprouted since yesterday. I find a few new ripe tomatoes and make a mental note to come get them after watering all the plants is done.

I head to the peppers next, repeating the process. I notice some weeds growing in with the peppers and I look down at my suit, deciding I won't take care of them right now or I'll be dirty. I'll come back later.

I put the watering can away and grab the hose for the next plants. I walk up to the apple and pear trees and spray them so I can be sure they'll have enough water. I smile when I see the fruit on them, I've been growing them since middle school. I dug them up and brought them here, replacing the dug up ones with regular trees.

I check my watch, and upon seeing it's already 7:00am I grab the baskets. One for fruits, one for vegetables. I move back to the tomato plants and start pulling the ripe ones off. The smell of tomatoes fills my nose, and I smile knowing her again it's another successful harvest. I move to the peppers, happy to see they're all healthy when I pull them off.

I then set that basket to the side and head to the apples and pears, grab the ladder and and start picking the best looking ones off. I grabbed a few gross ones for the horses that I'll have the maids bring out.

After finishing pulling fruits and vegetables off their plants, I bring the baskets to the kitchen where our maid, Alise is already preparing breakfast. I smile gently at her, despite being in a mafia Alise has been with us since the beginning, out of all our maids I have my trust in her the most.

I set the basket down and unload the fruits and vegetables into their select spots, careful not to mess up what Alise already has going on.

Even though I have maids, gardening is the one thing they're not allowed to do. I like to put the stuff away even, anyone who's tried to do so has gotten my wrath, unless of course there's an emergency going on. I know Alise doesn't like a dirty kitchen, so if something happens and I leave the produce out another maid will come put it away quickly.

Shortly after, my watch beeps, indicating it's 7:30 already. Bolt should be getting up soon. We'd usually meet for breakfast but with our meeting being in half an hour, I'm unsure if we'll have time. If bolt isn't down here in ten minutes, I'll go up to her room and make sure she's awake. We don't have time to screw around today.

Alise smiled softly at me and spoke up, "sir, your guests are here. Would you like John to bring them to the meeting room?"

I think for a second and check the watch and curse under my breath. They're early. Bolt isn't even awake yet, but I nod at Alise, and listen as she directs them to the meeting room. I thank her and quickly rush to bolts room, moving with purpose and I watch as the staff move out of the way.

I'm just about to knock on her door when it swings open. Bolt is wearing a royal purple dress suit. I raise an eyebrow, Bolt never wears her suit unless it's important. Her color is royal purple, but usually it's in formal rompers and dresses.

She looks at me grumpily before mumbling, "morning."

I chuckle at her before heading toward the meeting floor with her at my side, "hey don't be pissed at me. You're the one who scheduled the meeting at 8am. Plus, you know damn well these guys like being early."

She groans tiredly, "yeah well last night was fuckin hell and nobody got sleep. These bastards best have a good excuse for showing up early today."

I roll my eyes playfully and open the door to the meeting room, and I scan the scene, making sure it's safe before letting Bolt in before me. I follow close behind her and look around, noticing the leader is gone.

"Where is Adrian?" I asked, looking at his best friend who leads with him.

"He's dead. They got him yesterday. That's why we're early today."

Word count: 1113

A/n: I'm so sorry. Some of these chapters are gonna be slower at first (garden scene) but I have a minimum word count I try to live by, so I'll keep adding details until then. Please vote and comment 😋

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