"Camilla..." Sean's face brightened with a small smile as she stepped into his office.

"Sean," she greeted, standing in front of his desk. Camilla glanced around Sean's office, taking note of her surroundings. Despite Sean's slimy nature, his office was surprisingly tidy. The room exuded an air of professionalism, with neatly organized shelves displaying law books and legal documents. A large window adorned one wall, allowing natural light to stream in and offering a view of Toronto.

On Sean's desk, amidst the stacks of paperwork, sat a framed photograph, depicting Sean, his daughter, and his mom. It served as a reminder thatl Sean had a family he cared deeply for therefore he should understand her feelings about thid.

Camilla couldn't help but wonder how he could reconcile his personal life with the questionable choices he made professionally. She shook off the thought and refocused on the task at hand. There was no time to dwell on Sean's complexities.

"Please, take a seat," he hurriedly pulled out a chair for her.

"No need, this won't take long," Camilla waved off his offer. "Where's the information you promised my husband about the case?"

"I'm...working on it," Sean replied with a touch of unease.

"Not hard enough," Camilla asserted, leaning over the desk.

"I'm working on it, but it doesn't look good that you're here right now. One of main suspects' wife in my office? How can do I explain that?"

"Figure something out, otherwise it'd be a real shame if I walked down that hall and informed your superiors that you promised the main suspects on this case that you'd give them information about this case"

"You're resorting to playing dirty?" Sean shook his head disapprovingly.

"You think this is me playing dirty? This is just the beginning," Camilla smirked. "Now, once again, what information do you have for me?"

"Camilla, let's meet after work. I'll book a table at a restaurant nearby, we can talk about this properly"

"You obviously know that's not happening, right?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Last time I'm asking before I start some shit, what information do you have, Mr Crown Attorney?"

Sean nodded his head, disappointed with Camilla rejecting his advances, unsurprising though.

"Everything with the case is circumstantial, there's no physical evidence that links to the suspects in the case. But, they traced Lorenzo's phone and there's a few mentions of an alias that can be linked back to Aubrey. Travis' alias is mentioned all over his phone, but they're not the only aliases mentioned...it's hard to pin the murder on them with just that" Sean cleared his throat before continuing. "However, Lorenzo does admit in the texts that he shot Aubrey. He knew he didn't kill him and he was prepared for retaliation but purposefully didn't shoot to kill...he knew that his daughter, you, loved him and he second guessed himself. Shooting Aubrey was more of a threat for him to stay away. He said Aubrey's goons had brought him some trouble a couple days, doesn't specify what" he added, lowering his voice in case anyone heard.

"Now was that so hard to do?" Camilla rolled her eyes. "What aliases do they think are Aubrey's? If they can't confirm that the alias is Aubrey's, what next?"

"You want me to really do this here? In my office where my boss could walk in at any moment?" Sean hissed, looking up at her.

"You can't be trusted, this is the only way I can be certain you're not lying" Camilla's eyes turned dark as she glared at him.

Seam looked at her momentarily, his mind clearly in overdrive before opening his drawer and pulling out a case file.

"Here" Sean sighed, handing her the file.

Silently, she began scanning the contents, her eyes darting from paragraph to paragraph, searching for any clues, any loopholes they could exploit. With each passing moment, her determination grew, fueled by the unwavering love she held for Aubrey and the unwavering belief that they deserved better than the life they were living.

She couldn't help but steal glances at Sean, who seemed preoccupied with his computer screen. In those fleeting moments, she discreetly used her phone to capture photos of the most intriguing sections, ensuring she was able to bring this information back correctly.

"What are you going to do now you know this information? Nothing changes, you know that, right?" Sean interrupted her.

"I don't have to tell you anything. You didn't keep your word, I'm the reason your mom isn't identifying your body somewhere, Baka is not man to make empty promises to" Camilla hissed, throwing the file on his desk.

"I can show you I'm trustworthy"

"You said that last time and here we are, a week later. I had to come down here and threaten you for you to tell me all of this"

"I was relying on the key witness name, they gave her an alias and only the attorney general knows her real name and her whereabouts"

"You can show me you're trustworthy by finding out her name and more" Camilla demanded.

"I got you, I will" Sean nodded.

Camilla gave him a final look before turning to leave. 'You better deliver, Sean. I won't hesitate to take matters into my own hands if you do"

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