The Black's Lustful Eyes

Start from the beginning

A tear slid down Sirius' cheek, he looked down.

"He surely doesn't miss me."

Remus almost laughed at his friend's ignorance.

"He asked me about you, first thing, when he saw me on the train. He misses you, he wants you back over all things," Remus felt Sirius warm up under his arms, he caressed his black, wavy hair, "think about it, alright? That's all."

Sirius squeezed him.



James climbed the narrow, spiral staircases to the astronomy tower with his heart on his hand, he'd grown so accustomed to see Regulus at all times, that he could barely hold his thrill when he saw him sitting on the darkest spot of the circular room, the moonlight hovering over his curls. He was covered with Hogwarts' standard cloak, and a green-striped scarf, he smiled when he saw James, who immediately rushed next to him, and sat close, but not touching.

"So, how was the inaugural meeting, Reggie?"

He shrugged.

"I reckon they don't trust me after what happened on Christmas. But I was demanded to show my mark anyway, they appeared nastily impressed. They're hoping to get one soon."

"Gross. You just keep pretending to be one of 'em, the only important matter right now is to keep you safe and sound, yeah?"

Regulus nodded, he was looking at James with lustful eyes, he shivered under the cloak.

  "Are you cold?" James asked tilting his head, Regulus shock his head.

  "No, it's just... it feels funny..."

  "What feels funny?"

He smiled, facing the floor.

  "I can't believe I have you," he sighed, dim smoke coming out of his mouth, which James couldn't stop staring at, "if it wasn't for you, I'd be stuck with those nasty blokes the rest of the year."

  "Blokes? Are you really, Reggie? Or am I talking to someone else?"

Regulus chuckled.

  "Fuck off."

  "Alright, alright, whatever prince Black says," James shrugged, he side eyed Regulus with a grin, "I'm glad I have you too."

Interrupting the warming moment, light steps resonated by the stairs, James snapped his head towards the noise, a characteristic red hair peeked, followed by a very blissful Lily Evans. He looked back to Regulus, but he was gone, nowhere to be seen.

  "Hello! Watcha doin' here?" Asked the girl with the sweetest of her smiles.

James frowned.

  "Oh me? I er... I like stars," he improvised, noticing how she sat on his side.


They stayed silent for a while, till James felt guilty of his awkwardness towards his friend. She was always there, with the Marauders, Remus was really fond of her too, he even believed they fancied each other for some time, although now it was clear like water that they were just friends.

  "Do you? Like the stars too, I mean, otherwise I can't figure what you're doing up here."

  "Yeah, I do, but actually er... I hoped you would be here," she almost choked on her own words.

James frowned, pulling a grimace.

  "Oh? Why so?"

She bit her lip, looking flustered, and got up frantically.

  "I just remembered I've got to go, uh... head-girl tasks, y'know. Bye bye!"

And she disappeared. James thought on his tasks, after all he was a head-boy too, but something more important was bothering him.

  "Reg?" He knelt next to the Slytherin cloak, flat and lifeless against the cold stone, he definitely wasn't there.

  "I don't think he's in there, tosspot."

A flirty voice said behind him, when he turned around, Regulus was there, resting his hand on the column, with a proud grin.

  "What?! How?! Where!" James yapped, looking around for any hidden tunnels or traps, "it makes no sense!"

Regulus chuckled, oh merlin, he looked glorious when he laughed.

  "Close your eyes," he whispered, making James' insides revolve.

He did as he was told, he licked his dry lips, and he took a deep breath, embracing the darkness within, he heard the subtle whistle of the wind against the tower, and the brush of the forbidden forest's trees, which obscure passages he ran free with Remus's wildest form.

All of a sudden, he felt a slight caress on his calves, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at the floor.

At first, he saw nothing more than darkness, but as his eyes accustomed to the night, he saw two bright green eyes looking straight at his own.

A black cat was twirled between his legs, still as a statue.



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