2: Emerging

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There was a distant sound of shouting. One filled with fear and anguish. Followed closely by gasps and the clanking sound of something small but dangerous thudding to the floor. Although audible, it wasn't too loud. So saying it struck stone floor is off the table. 

Not long after that, he could hear clearly. 

The sound of blood slammed into his ears as it came gushing out. Splattering the floor. Was it tatami?

A familiar amused chuckle echoed into his ears. "Well, isn't this fun and entertaining?!"


Aizetsu felt his body being dragged onward through the darkness. A light source came into view, he can tell. But his eyes remain shut. Only his ears function properly. 

"I've never been hit with an attack that felt like that!" The pleasure demon continued from the outside world. Giggling throughout his whole speech, too elated for his own good. His head was still attached to his neck it seems, Aizetsu thought, feeling himself halting just before the bright portal into the living dimension. 

Then it came off. 

Accompanied by a noticeable schwing noise of a sword. The flesh around the neck that held Karaku's head in place ripped apart. Producing an eerie snapping noise like rubber. 

But the sorrow demon knew better than that. 

It was the disconnecting of tissue, muscle tendon, and bone. Something sickening to witness or even experience. Not that it had ever bothered any of the clones. 

Particularly Karaku and Sekido. 

"-can't be defeated!" a voice filled with distress exclaimed. "If you slash it- it's only going to split into that many more demons!" 

That line hurts.

Why the hell is this person referring to them inhumanly?! They might not be human. But they were still living beings. 

It hurts! He screamed mentally as his body constricts to fit through the tunnel-like entrance to the outside. A process he went through many times prior. His consciousness was gifted back to him as soon as he was able to take a deep breath of air. The quality of the air wasn't great. Smells foreign to him. But it was enough. 

Eyes parted slightly, he spotted something black on his way down.  

His hand was the first thing that grew. Allowing him to catch himself before he collapses onto the floor. Then the rest of his body formed. The healthy beating of his heart. The blood vessels squirm about as they form into skeletal muscles. Wrapping around his newly formed ribcage, the bone attached to the not completely manifested vertebrae. The outside skin works out accordingly as his lower parts grow in.  

Aizetsu blinked. Opening his eyes fully to make out where he was as he place pressure on his body. Demanding it to finish up faster as clothes also begin to appear to cover his body. Realizing he couldn't see that well.

It was extremely blurry. Almost teary. 

Keeling over, he coughs out. 

Splitting from Karaku now when they all were stored away by the main body for so long wasn't easy to get use to. It made him dizzy and shaky all over, as he fought to not collapse down. Not wanting to appear depressingly weak in front of his opponents.

How many were there? How many do they have to face this time about? What was the level of their strength like to be able to cut through the two older clones' defense? 

Had Urogi made it out safely?

Aizetsu was overwhelmed with questions and concerns as the kidney and stomach intestines finally formed inside him. Squirming to get into their rightful position. 

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