[ F I F T E E N ]

Start from the beginning

"Congratulations.", Chan said with tears in his eyes but he held them back. He grabbed her shoulders as he shook her, in affection. He was smiling brightly.

Ayeong loved it but she knew he wasn't smiling for real.

"Chan, you don't have to do it if you're not happy.", she took his hand from her shoulders and rubbed her thumbs on them, in affection. She didn't give it a second thought as to why would Chan not be happy for her. What could make him sad for her happiness? She didn't think about it.

"You know I love you, right? You don't have to do everything for me.", she took a step closer towards him. She felt bad for making him feel so guilty for such a small matter.

"I want to do everything for you.", I love you is something he also wanted to say but he couldn't say it in a friendly manner. He wanted to say it as in more-than-friends-way.

"Well, first thing you can do for me is be happy.", she chuckled as she ran her fingers through his hair.

He felt even more guilty. Why is he so selfish for someone so caring? Why is he like that? He wants to change himself. For being egotistic. For wanting to keep her for himself. He started to think that even if he were to steal Ayeong from Joochan, she wouldn't be happy.

"Are you running away... tonight?", he reluctantly asked.

"Mhm.", she hummed as her hand was still busy brushing his hair.

"Good luck.", he whispered.

"Now, what are you going to do about my makeup?", she whined.

"Sorry.", Chan chuckled.

"As if that's going to fix it.", she scrunched her nose.

"Well, bye.", she gave him a heartwarming smile before turning around and opening the door.

"Wait.", Chan said with wide eyes. Why did he stop her?

"Yeah?", she turned her head.

He didn't have anything to say yet he stopped her. Why?

"Just... be safe.", he nodded.

She chuckled at his cuteness and walked away.


"Oi, did you pack the things you need?", the guy on the phone, Joochan, spoke.

Ayeong gulped before muttering a small 'yes'.

"Don't be scared. You know, I'm with you, right?", he chuckled on the call.

"Yeah.", she tried to calm herself down, but failed.

It was past midnight, around one. Everyone in the house were asleep and Ayeong wanted to take this chance to escape safely.

She walked out of her room with a large suitcase, a bag hanging on her shoulder and a backpack on her back. She tried to be as quiet as possible as she walked out of the house.

Well that was easy.

There, she met Joochan standing with the same amount of bags as her.

He smiled widely at her.

She took a few seconds to hug him tightly and give him a small peck.

They both ran through the dark streets as they didn't want to get caught. It was going to take them a while to go to that abandoned building.

Ayeong was panting as she ran. She was not an athlete. Like, not at all. And running with a heavy suitcase and two heavy bags was a huge challenge for her. But she still pushed through it. It's hard to change your life, you know.

After a few minutes of running, they decided to take a five minute rest on an abandoned couch under a streetlight. She looked at Joochan as she noticed a fanny pack around his waist, not noticing it before as it was too dark.

"What's with the fanny?", she asked as she panted.

"Oh, it's just to keep my phone. I can't hold it in hand since I have to carry my bag, you know?"


If it's to keep your phone, then why is your phone seeping out through the pocket of your jeans...


A/N: I just found out this thing about myself. That I can "heal" that allergy of mine, (which is, if ydk, when I get exhausted or if Im under too much heat then I get these small red dot thingies, pimples(?) I guess, under my skin. And it's like under my skin.) with ice cream. I made this theory myself bcz whenever I have a panic attack and can't breathe and also have this allergy, I eat ice cream and calm down 😊so I eat an ice cream everyday instead of drinking water everyday. I barely drink water 🤭idk if it actually works it's just a theory I made.

At first sight, 'til last breath [ Stray Kids | Bang Chan ] Where stories live. Discover now