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Steve was sitting on the edge of the bed he shared with Eddie. He was stitching the wound together. He felt horrible. "I'm sorry Eddie..."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault."

"It was though. I'm the one who thought it was a good idea to kiss you in front of the school. I should have consulted Robin first. She would have knocked some sense into me. Now you suffer my consequences."

"Steve, trust me, it's fine. I'd rather you kiss me and get beat up than no kiss and get beat up anyway."

"Do you have to get beat up?" Steve gave a sad chuckle.

"Of course." Eddie smiled then flinched from the pain.

Steve finished stitching him up. "I'm still sorry. He's getting on my fucking nerves." He stood up and grabbed a bag with the hair cut materials he needed.

"It's okay Steven." Eddie stood up.

"Ew no. Don't call me that."

"Fine.... Steven."


"Ugh dude. Nevermind."

Steve laughed a little before taking Eddie's hand and going down stairs. He lead him to the back porch. "We can clean it up here."

Eddie frowned remembering how bad his hair looked right now. "Okay.."

"You alright?" Steve sat Eddie in a chair. He stood behind him.

"No. My hairs gone." Eddie's voice broke as he tried not to cry.

Steve started working on it. "I'm sorry. I'll try to fix it the best I can. It's going to be really short."

Eddie was kicking his legs and silently crying as Steve cut his hair. He cut it as short as Joseph Quinn's real hair was.

Steve finished after a while. "Okay I'm d-" Steve was shoved to the side. He looked down to meet an angry Dustin.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" Dustin was pissed.

"Hey man it's fine." Eddie laughed and wiped his tears. He knew Dustin had it all wrong.

"No it's not! Steve cut off all your hair and you're crying!" Dustin snapped.

Steve and Eddie laughed.

"What is so funny?!" Dustin looked at them confused and angry.

"I didn't ruin his hair. Jason cut it off. I just fixed it." Steve smiled and handed Eddie a small mirror.

Eddie sighed "Yeah that's probably the best it's going to get. How would I even grow it back out?"

"Hats." Steve crossed his arms.

"Great." Eddie looked away.

Dustin frowned "Did he cut your cheek too? Why?"

"Because I'm a little queer that spreads the queer disease. Don't come too close you might catch it." Eddie put his hands in front of him to keep Dustin away.

"Well I guess you gave it to Mike and Will too." Dustin laughed.

Steve smiled "Are they finally a thing?"

Dustin nodded "Yeah. Now Mike won't stop talking about him. They haven't even kissed yet!"

"Can't relate." Eddie side eyed Steve.

Steve narrowed his eyes.

"Wait what. STEVE! IS THAT WHAT EVERYONE WAS TALKING ABOUT IN SCHOOL!" Dustin kicked Steve's shin. "You are going to get Eddie in so much trouble."

Eddie hit Dustins shoulder as he stood up. Steve rubbed his shin. "Hey. Dustin quit. It's not his fault. I don't care about anyone else. I like Steve so everyone will just have to deal with it."

Dustin looked away still upset.

Steve stood up still very much in pain.

"Sorry." Dustin mumbled.

"It's fine man just chill out damn." Steve sat down in the chair Eddie was in.

Eddie couldn't help but snicker with Dustin.

"What?" Steve snapped.

Eddie and Dustin shut up. Eddie walked inside for some alone time.

"So what's going on between you and Eddie?" Dustin narrowed his eyes.


Will felt the hairs on his neck stick up as Eddie walked by. He froze in place. He couldn't move no matter how hard he tried.

El saw him and walked over. "Will? Are you alright?" She grabbed his shoulder.

Will broke out of his frozen position. "We have to talk. Now." He pulled her into a closet and started explaining how weird he's felt lately. How he feels like Vecna isn't done. "He's still alive. I can feel it."

Eleven was horrified. "We have to tell the others."

"What about Eddie?"

"If you think he's working with Vecna then we will leave him out. Gather everyone else."

Everyone but Eddie was gathered outside. They were all told what little information they knew.

"Are you kidding me." Steve put his hands on his head in a stressed position and he walked around. "Eddie's not dangerous."

"Steve we don't know if he even knows he's dangerous." Robin rubbed his back.

"We can't risk it." Mike said.

"Well we can't just leave him here." Nancy stated.

"This is stupid. We should tell him." Dustin frowned. Several people replied with a no.

"He was with us this whole time and now you guys are turning your back on him! Remember when Will was infected? You guys didn't leave him behind. You killed what was in him!" Steve looked around the room.

Everyone realized how hypocritical they were being.

"So we find out what's in Eddie?" Robin crosses her arms.

"How would we do that?" Dustin shook his head and looked away. He hated painting Eddie as the bad guy.

They sat in silence for a while trying to think of something.

Eddie walked out. "What's everyone doing crowded out here?" He leaned against the doorframe with his harms crossed.

"Just being a bunch of backstabbing TRAITO-" Will covered Mikes mouth.

"We are talking about our parents. We miss them." Nancy acted sad and looked away dramatically.

Eddie took a step back. "I'll leave you guys to it."

"Well actually we were just wrapping up." Steve said quickly and ran over to Eddie.

"Wait what happened to your hair?" Mike spat not really thinking. Will smacked his shoulder. "Ow- Well at least I don't say anything about your bowl-" El smacked his other shoulder. "Ow. Okay I'll shut up."


They were all cooking together in the kitchen. Some wanted to test out if heat would bring out whatever was in Eddie but failed. He just complained about how hot it was. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Will took off his oven mitts and headed towards the door. When he opened it he was met with his mother. "Mom?"

(I am suffering severe writers block so going to be discontinued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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