tsudere reader x wally

Beginne am Anfang

You stayed silent  "please tell me , I don't want to lose a good friend like you"

Is that all you think off me ... a friend...

You clenched the seams off your sleeves then let go , "is that all you think off me" you quietly said

"What?" Wally questioned,  you snapped "is that all you think of me!"

You spoke up , Wally jumped alittle at the sudden out burst. Soon the whole neighbourhood was looking at you, "well , of course  - your the best neighbour I've ever met!" Wally chirped .

The huffed at being demoted to a neighbour.

You stormed off walking to poppy's house , Julie walked over to Wally followed by Sally.

You explained everything to poppy and poppy nodded in understanding.

"Pet , I just think you need to tell him that you like him" Poppy explained while putting the pastry in the tray.

You covered your face, "but now - he might think I hate him" you moaned,  poppy put the apple in the pie then put it in the oven.

"Dear , go tell him after I finish making the pie  - I've made two , you can tell him how you feel then" poppy explained. You hugged poppy tightly, "thank you , Poppy!!" You cried.

Wally was under the same tree painting an apology painting while talking to Home

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Wally was under the same tree painting an apology painting while talking to Home.  "Home , do you think y/n dislikes me?" Wally asked,  home creaked followed by a bang. Wally smiled wide for a short while then smiled less. "That's good...I guess" he muttered the last part.

Home's eyes saw you , Home creaked which caused Wally to look at home then you.

Wally stood up fast which made his stool fall backwards.  He fixed himself

You cleared your throat was you walked infront of Wallys peripheral vision .

"Hi ... wally" you looked down , handing you pie into his face. "Here .... im sorry" you apologised.

Wally looked at the pie then you , "what's this ?" He questioned, you looked at him "it's apple pie , silly" you hissed.

"Oh .. thank you .... y/n" Wally smiled warmly and took it out of your hands.

"But what for?" Wally asked, you sighed "I'm sorry for overacting...you've just .... stolen my." You started
Wally titlted his head , "stolen your?"

"You've stolen me heart "

Wally was taken back , " every since I met you in Howdy's shop , I've liked you and you give me feelings I didn't even new existed - I just overacted because I didn't know how to express it so I just suppressed it thinking it would go away" you explained.

Wally was silent then spoke "did it?" You asked.

You looked at him , "no" you blankly said .

Wally smiled,  "I love you " he said suddenly,  "wha"

"I was afraid I might have done something that hurt you , I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable  - neighbour,  the truth is I don't even know how to show it" he explained rubbing the back of his head.

You laughed hard , " I man like you .... not knowing how to express his feelings" Wally joined in .

"Ha ha ha?"

"Sorry  , its hard to believe a handsome man like you has a hard time explaining how he feels to the person he likes!"





"Can we start over , y/n"




"Sure , Mr Darling "






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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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