Chapter 1:

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3rd person POV:

It has been about 2 months since Mari became gaurdian and she would be lying if she said she was okay. She felt as if she was losing. Chloes persistent bullying wasn't exactly helping her self-esteem. It got to the point where Mari started believing her and started cutting herself

It was a Monday morning also known as the worst day of the week when Marinette was walking to school and she was looking worse for wear, she had bags under her eyes, her eyes were red and a bit puffy probably from crying and she was clutching her cup of coffee for dear life

The reason being that this weekend Mari finally broke down after 2 whole months

As Mari made her way up the stairs of her school she prayed that nobody would see how tired she was how tired she was of living, how tired she was of these responsibilities, how tired she was of being bullied or how tired she was of faking a smile and most of all she prayed that nobody could see the bandages on her arms

When Alya and Nino saw Mari, their expressions went from happy to worried and confused. They were confused because Marinette was wearing a long sweater in the middle of summer and worried because she looked awful.

When Mari finally made her way up the stairs she was bombarded with questions that she didnt have the energy to respond to so instead of answering, she asked, "Where is Adrien? Is he in the bathroom or something?"

Mari was trying her best to sound happy and optimistic but she was failing miserably.

As if on que Adriens limo got arrived, when Adrien came out of his limo he almost immediately spotted his friend group he smiled as he made his way over to them but was stopped by a barbie doll thats faker than barbie

"ADRIKINSSS" Chloe screeched as she jumped onto Adrien making him stumble on his feet

"Hello Chloe" Adrien said somewhat uncomfortably as he tried prying Chloe off of him

"Adrikins I missed you SO much, you wont believe what happened this we-"

Adrien had finally succeeded in getting Chloe off of him

"Bye Chloe gotta go" Adrien yelled as he ran towards his friends.

"Hi guy-" Adrien cut himself off when he saw Marinette

"Mari are you okay?"

"I am perfectly fine, my God why does everybody keep on asking me that?" Mari said without a single stutter

"Because you look half dead Mari!" Alya exclaimed

"Exactly how much sleep have you gotten?" Nino asked

"That doesnt matter" Mari replied her tone of voice sending shivers down their spines but Adrien wasn't going to let that stop him

"Answer the question Marinette" His tone of voice matching Marinettes

Then suddenly the bell rang and Mari took that as an opportunity to get away

When Mari entered the class she went straight to her desk and sat down as Alya sat down next to her and everybody else took their seats

"I see your early for once Mari-trash you look more pathetic than usual"

Just before Chloe decided to talk to Mari she realised that she had a double math period as a first lesson so she was pissed

"Listen here Bourgeois I am not in the mood to deal with your crap I have not slept in days and I am running low on patience today so watch your mouth"

Everybody stopped what they were doing and it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everybody was now staring at Marinette with their eyes widened in shock and surprise. Marinettes usually sweet, kind and inviting voice was now dripping in venom and rage and her usually calm, sweet, and happy eyes were now an icy steely blue and were filled with rage and a sort of tiredness nobody had EVER heard or seen Marinette act this way and it scared them but Chloes huge ego couldnt take that bruise.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Dupain-Cheng?" Chloe asked narrowing her eyes at Marinette

"It means can you stop being such a bitch for one day or does your miniscule brain need that dumbed down?" Marinette growled back

At this everybodys jaw had dropped to the ground NEVER had Marinette ever sworn at anybody this was the first time anybody had heard Marinette swear even ms bustier was frozen in shock

"You-you BRAT" Chloe screeched

"You narcissistic bitch" Marinette retorted

That was when Chloe put her hand up to slap her

Everybody closed their eyes and waited for the sound of skin slapping, waited for the impact

But it never came

When they opened their eyes they realised why

Marinette had caught Chloes hand.

"Chloe TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" Ms. bustier said, finally coming back to her senses

"WHAT?!! but Marinette called me a bitch"

"Yes but you instigated the arguement and when you couldnt take the fact that you had lost this battle you attempted to slap me, so please do tell what your point is, I'm all ears" Marinettd said. Everybody continued to stare at Marinette but the more they stared the more they couldnt believe it, so thats when they started analysing her just to make sure it was Marinette and not some sentimonster, and Kim took a short look at his water bottle before he slid it away from him.

Soon ms bustier left with Chloe as they headed to the principles office.

Marinette had not realised it yet but the sleeve of her sweater was slipping and you could see a small bit of the bandages on her wrist.

Alya saw them and then whispered to Mari "Marinette why are there bandages on your wrists?"

When Marinette didnt answer she pulled her wrist under the table


I'm horrible and I love it😋😋

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