Chapter 11 - The Gallery of Good

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After Reena and Agatha forcefully (but somehow gently) managed to rip the fudge off Kiko's hand, they all split it into equal pieces ("It's like my hand and fudge became one!" Kiko exclaimed, causing Reena to snort with laughter).

"Right, I don't know about you two girls, but my hands are extremely sticky so I'm going to wash my hands." Agatha announced.

Kiko put her hand up. "Well I'm going last - I don't just need to wash my hands I need a shower - how did I get fudge in my ear?" Kiko's face scrunched up in pure confusion.

Reena poked her head through the bathroom, "You were scratching your ear whilst still holding the fudge you were eating in the same hand."

"My ear was really itchy!" Kiko protested immediately after remembering why.

Agatha fought the grin making its way to her face. "So does that mean you were eating ear fudge?" She said amusedly.

"EW NO!!!" Kiko swatted the back of Agatha's head. Agatha then swatted her back with water which turned into a fully fledged water fight.

Reena poked her head in again. "I would have come back in here but now I don't think I'm going to." Reena said, rolling her eyes fondly at the sight in front of her.

Agatha and Kiko looked at each other agape, sheepishly. "I'm going to clean up back at our room. You stay here and wash off any fudge lurking anywhere it shouldn't be." Agatha chuckled.

"Yes Ma'am!" Kiko saluted to her.

"I'll see you later?" Agatha turned to Reena.

"Uh, yeah. See you!" Reena responded with a smile.


Agatha lay on her bed, motionless. Her arms were eagle-spread to her sides as she looked up. One hand went to her necklace. "I really miss you Callis. I really miss you Stephan. And I really miss you Sophie, even if we're technically in the same place."

Agatha sat up. "If I can, I'll get you here Sophie. Just hang on in there." She murmured softly.

Then in the corner of the massive room Agatha saw it.

A ceiling tile with a smiling Cupid slightly dislodged.

The solution to her problem (though she didn't know it yet).

She put her brown boots on - she couldn't even climb up to the vent to see what was beyond it yet alone climb in without changing her shoes first. Though Sophie taught her how to wear heels properly, Sophie hadn't taught her how to climb or crawl in them.

So for now, Agatha ditched the high heeled pink shoes.

Climbing up her bed frame (Agatha hoped it wouldn't break), she gently fully dislodged the smiling Cupid's mouth-of-a-tile, which ominously revealed a dark vent above the girls' room. Praying and muttering to herself - Agatha swung her legs in and then her body.

And started crawling to whatever the next place was.


A few minutes later, Kiko waltzed in from her vigorous scrubbing but relaxing bath, tying her bathrobe firmly around her waist.

"Agatha you can use the bathroom now if you want! Freshen up before we go to the Welcoming, which by the way, is in the School for Good! Your journey may have made you slightly grubby but that doesn't matter. Oh, and Reena just totally left me! It doesn't matter though, she probably made tons of friends before us so maybe she went to go see them -"

Kiko finally looked up. "Agatha?" Kiko called. Then like the Prince out of Cinderella, Kiko grabbed the shoes of a certain Princess left behind.

But this time, it was a difference Princess who left not just one shoe, but two.

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