Chapter Four

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"Julia!" Cassie screams. She's being attacked by a group of tall buff men with knives, repeatedly stabbing her. My feet are glued to the floor and all I can do is watch in horror as my friend is slowly stabbed to death. The men kick her and walk away, leaving Cassie's lifeless body in a bloody pool.

I close my eyes and wake up. Fuck, that felt so real, I think to myself. Hold on. Where am I? I realize that I'm lying on a bed that I had never slept on before. I roll over and there's a man beside me, snoring peacefully. He rolls over, now facing me, and I realize that it's Tommy. My Tommy. Oh shit, last night was real! I smile happily to myself. Not wanting to wake him up, I quietly crawl out of bed and tiptoe towards the door, noticing the same couch from last night. 

I lightly touch my nose piercing, hoping that it didn't get messed up last night because I got it done a few months ago. And to my relief, it was still there and didn't hurt so much. I open the door and softly shut it behind me. I look down the hall and see drunken people everywhere, passed out on the carpet. I carefully step over legs, arms and bodies to get to the living room. Robert- well, Mick, is sitting on a couch with sunglasses covering his eyes, sipping on a bottle of vodka.

"Good afternoon, Julia." He says, not turning his head towards me. I look at the clock hanging on the wall. It read 3:34pm. Shit, I really slept in.

"Hey Mick," I yawn. "Ha, I'm gonna have to get used to calling you that."

Mick chuckles. "It was about time you found out. I'm sort of surprised that Cassie hadn't told you. Who ended up spilling the beans?"

"My old school friend, Tommy." I answer, walking over to sit down next to Mick. "Haven't seen him in forever."

"School friend, eh?" Mick pulls down his sunglasses so I can see him raising an eyebrow. "What was he like?"

"Oh, you know, super sweet, loved being annoying, immature," I laugh to myself. "Typical schoolboy. Obsessed with drums."

Mick chuckles. "Of course, I should have known." He says, sighing. Mick turns his head towards me, looking stern. "Hey, just be careful though. He would have definitely changed since you last saw him. You're basically like a little sister to me, even though we don't really talk all that much. But I know that Cassie would want you to be safe, so if Tommy acts up, just let one of us know so I can beat some sense into him."

"Aww, thanks Mickey." I hug him.

"No." He says roughly. "You're not allowed to call me Mickey. Ugh, the name makes me want to throw up."

"Oh, ok, sorry Mickey." I quickly stand up and back away from him.

"Ohhh, you're really getting on my nerves, lady." He growls, smiling.

"Lady?" I look at him, pulling my best offended face. "I'm no lady! I'm- I'm—"

"You're a lady." Mick finishes, taking another sip of his vodka.

I go to leap at him but he holds out his vodka. "Ah-ah-ah. Don't wanna spill this, or I'll be very mad, lady."

I snatch his vodka and slam it down on the coffee table. "Now it can't be spilt."

He stares worriedly at his vodka, but closes his eyes and shrugs, smiling. "You asked for it."

He slowly stands up, and winces as his back cracks. That's right, he has that awful back disease, I remember. Poor guy. I stand still, giggling as Mick steps towards me. He pushes me down onto the couch and starts tickling me, under the armpits, the feet, and hitting pressure points. We laugh together as Mick continues to attack me with tickles. Then a man walks into the room.

"Cheating on me already?"

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