Chapter 2

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|Chapter 2|

Malaya Johnson

I finally arrived at the school, and there were no students standing outside so I already knew I was late.

I sighed before waking into the building, I went up to the front desk to get a tardy pass.

"Hey Ms. Johnson! How your doing today?" The lady up front asked.

"Fine," I mumbled before grabbing my tardy pass and walking down the halls.

There were some kids in the halls that were skipping, they gave me disgusting looks as I passed by. Nobody liked me just because of the most popular girl at the school, Janae, didn't like me.

It made me mad, and constantly made me want to just dig a hole and climb in it and cry, but I had to be strong.

I walked to my classroom door and slowly opened it. I walked in watched all my classmates stare at me disgustedly, and some laughed.

"The ugly bitch is finally here!" Janae stated as she laughed.

I sighed before looking down as I put my tardy slip on my teacher desk. Its a shame that he don't know nothing that goes around in the classroom just because he be sleep in his chair.

I looked down as I walked to my desk, I inwardly groaned because I had to go pass Janae desk because my desk was in the far corner.

She looked at me evilly, and grinned. I sighed before walking to my desk. Why did she act towards me that way?

I never did anything to her. I felt my eyes get watery so I laid my head down in my arms, to cover up my face.


The bell rung indicating that school was over. I hurriedly ran out the classroom to my locker.

As soon as I made it my locker, I was stopped by of course Janae and her crew.

"Look at this bitch, what the fuck she running for!" Janae laughed causing her hold crew to laugh at me.

Ignoring them I opened my locker but it was soon closed back by Janae, once again.

Why couldn't she pick on somebody else? I didn't do nothing to her, but she somehow choose to mess with me every chance that she gets.

"Who you rushing to see bitch?" Janae smirked before pushing my things on the floor.

"Stop!" I screamed, before kneelin down getting my things and quickly running away.

Everybody laughed as I ran out the building. As soon as I stepped foot outside I saw that it was raining so I walked back into the school in headed to the library.

Maybe I could just read some books, until it stops raining. Hopefully it stops because it's very dangerous to walk in the night in New York.

Anything could happen and I didn't want to be involved or caught up anything.


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I promise I'm going to try to update more you guys.

I have been busy lately so my books haven't been on my mind but I'm gone try to at least update one chapter a week.

And this is just a short chapter so hopefull I can update tomorrow or Monday.

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