Chp. 1

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"Seaweed brain! Wake up!" Annabeth said, shaking Percy's shoulder.

"Mmmm." He said, rolling over.

Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully, "Percyyyyyy." Still nothing. "We have blue cookies and it's time for breakfast."

Percy opened his eyes, "Cookies and breakfast?"

She crossed her arms, "Only boys who get up and dressed can have blue cookies and breakfast." She says playfully.

"I'm up! I'm up! Five minutes and I'll be dressed and ready." He said, jumping out of bed.

She laughed, "I'll be outside, don't make me wait long Seaweed brain."

"No promises."

As she was waiting outside the new kid approached her. His name was John Carter, a new son of Hecate. "Hey Annabeth."

"Hey, John, what's up?"

"Nothing." he leaned against the railing, "How are you and Percy?"

She smiled, "We're good right now, still recovering from the wars, but we're all making progress."

"No cracks or plans to break up?"

She shook her head, knowing what he was trying to do, "Trying to break us up to shoot your shot?"


"Don't try, I mean your nice, but Percy, it's Percy."

"I understand." He said leaning away from the railing, "See you around, Annabeth."

"Bye John."

"Who was that?" Percy ashes, coming out of his cabin a couple minutes later.

"No one, just the new camper."

"The one who flirts with you?"

"He's not flirting, just has a crush, he'll get over it. You'd do the same."

"Um, you're awesome, wise, and beautiful, who the hell wouldn't?"

Annabeth blushed and kissed his cheek, "Come on."

They walked into the dining pavilion hand in hand, separating to go to their tables. After that Percy went off to do his activities till lunch. After lunch he had a bit of free time before he had to teach the younger campers how to ride Pegasus, so the seven and him decided to meet up.

"Hey guys!" Percy called, approaching the lake.

"Hey Percy." Piper said, glancing at him before facing Jason again.

"Hey Percy." Annabeth said sitting next to him. She scooted away when he tried to wrap his arm around her shoulder.

He frowned, why were they acting so weird? They were all fine this morning, what happened "What's up?" He asked all of them.

"Nothing, dude." Jason said.

"Yeah, what's up with you?" Leo said a bot harsh, then he looked apologetic. "I didn't mean it like that."

Percy smiled and nodded, but hardly said anything the time they spent together. The others were acting weird, but just with him it seemed. He didn't know, but just decided something weird had happened he didn't know about. Whatever it was, Annabeth would tell him later.

"Okay, bring your pegasus back and put them in their stables!" Percy called to the younger campers, "Dinner time!"

The kids cheered and did as Percy told them to. Once everyone was ready they headed to the pavilion. The kids were running in the front and Percy was walking behind them to make sure everyone was there.

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