Not a love story (Arthit Kongpob/ Krist kongpob)

Start from the beginning

"Sir...All those who have done wrong are normal like us. They don't walk around with a sign saying I'm not a psycho, I'm a murderer right..? Don't support this fucking murder..." about to say that police officer who just came..but was stopped by a sudden slap from Kong.

Before other police officers react..krist signs them to stop...

"Why are you doing this? Don't you know how good-hearted Arthit is? ..don't arrest him... please.."Kong said with teats helplessly.

Krist looks at Kong with hesitation for a second and looks away. grabbing Arthit Krist walks away leaving Kong.

"Kong..don't stress yourself. Everything will be ok. Don't worry..."Arthit said in a loud tone with tears...

One month or two they are having a baby..time like this..he should be with his's hard ..he wants to hug Kong..tell him don't worry... Arthit sobbing to this horrible situation.

Here Kong crying even more hearing neighbours gossip..some are cursing Arthit and even Kong also.. these words pursuing Kong's heart. All are seeing his husband as a murderer.

Some are with rage throwing the small rock. Kong's maid reacted quickly and took Kong inside and lock the door.


Kong doesn't think just one day changes their entire life. He met many lawyers to take up Arthit's case..but no one was willing to take Arthit's side.


Kong cane to the police station to meet Arthit..his husband... Arthit was beaten very badly. Kong crying to see his husband in this state...

Seeing this heart-piercing situation...police also feel struggling Kongpob is to save Arthit with carrying 8 months baby in his womb.

"Kong ..why you came here?.. Please go. it's not good for your health Kong... Go Kong "Arthit said bearing that pain from his injuries.

"How can I ?.. How can I leave you in this state phi ?.. I will save you phi...I will defiantly prove you are innocent. I will make everyone realise that they are wrong.."Kong said with tears.


" think Arthit can able to such a horrible thing? Is that necessary to beat him to death in the name of investigation?... Don't you consider at least Kong.? See how tremble he is?" Off his friend banged his room and shouted.

" what do you mean?.. So you want me to pamper him like a baby to make him confess his crimes? He is fucking criminal for God's sake?"

"Krist..he is just suspect. Not don't take your personal revenge on him now"Off said angrily.

"what do you mean?"Krist asks angrily.

"you know what I mean?" off said irritatingly.

"Okay..yes. I wantedly to do this. Making Arthit out of the that I can get my Kong back. Are you satisfied? So ..get out" Krist said with a cool tone.

" you are not giving up on Kong?.. Bastard, he is already married...happy with his husband. Soon they are expecting a baby..he will never be yours..just give up"Off shout angrily.

"am I look like a villain to you?.. It's his father idiot...he separates my Kong from me... He is the villain in my life...and you are asking me to give up right... Why should I?.. I am just claiming what's mine already... Not only that I am for Kong than that murderer don't you think ?"Krist said with a smile.

It's creeping off.


The next day Kong went to the pharmacy store to buy medicines...

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