I Love You (Arthit Kongpob)

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{A/N: Thank you Susmitha3 for plot....hope you like this story..}


"Hello maa"Arthit answered his phone call.

"Where are you?"ask his mother.

"coming maa"

"Then..Art darling...."

"Maa tell me what you want?"

"Just some groceries. I will send you list"saying that she cut phone call.

Message came. Arthit cheking..."is this a story or a grocery list?"Arthit thought holding his head annoyingly..... How much he scrolling..its not ending...


He putting one by one items in trolley.

"... Honey bottle.."he took that bottle which is in middle row... Before he go on.. some thing attract his attention. The gap where he took bottle...birth mark..?.. then he saw clearly.. a beautiful...small waist and the cheery in the top cute small birth mark side his navel...made Arthit to touch..

Arthit gulp...seeing that amazing site in front of him..

On other side... Our kongpob with all his willpower he even jump to catch that perfume on the upper rake...which gave Arthit that great view... Finally he cought that bottle, put that on his basket and move from there..

"Heyy"Arthit eagerly following that brown tee which covering his beautiful view...just before the turn Arthit fastly hold kong waist both sides with his hands.making kong stunned with that sudden intimacy...

That's it. Love at first sight for Arthit...he is the beautiful man he ever saw in all these years..he deeply fell for that person in front of him..

"You.."kong eyes filled with rage on the other side..before he say anything...

"I love you"Arthit confessed...

"...Huuhh?"with confusion Kong release from Arthit and walk away..

"Without replaying where are you going?"Arthit also following kong..but the other kept quite.

"Hmm...are we met before? ..you look familiar "Arthit asked..

"You don't remember me?.."Kong asked annoyingly..


"We are from same school"said kong..

Arthit once again revise his memory..

Flash back:


In canteen:

"Fatty..." Young Arthit and his friends laugh at that kid who fell on ground..

In school:

Good boy kong sat on his seat without knowing Arthit evil plan....Arthit pour gum on kong seat..


Not one or two incidents Arthit always made kong cry..pour water,dirt kong shirts,torn his homework,irritating him while class...what not.Arthit use every chance to trouble our poor kong..


In playground:

"Why are doing this to me?"kong asked with sobs...

Hmm..?.. hmm? ..i just want to bully you that's it"replyed Arthit.

"Just for your satisfaction you are bullying me?.. i hate you Arthit.."

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