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Narrator: Adelia Lovey was born into a wealthy—

Addy Love: You know what, I think you'll understand my story better if we start from the middle. Childhood sob stories always pop up again later in life. You can hear all about my mother and my father and my . . . housekeeper? Anyway, my point is, my life didn't start when I was born.

 No, no. My life started when I became a model.

 I know, that's kind of a big jump. But my mentality for a long time — and I mean long, I didn't get out of it until I was thirty-odd years old — was that unless I was important, what happened didn't matter. And it wasn't until I started walking down runways that I felt seen. Although, [pauses] being seen might have been a pretty disastrous idea in the long run.

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