《 Cycle 3 - " gossip "》

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Hi i have not died yet!

I DO MEAN TO APOLOGIZE, For a good portion i put double r in harassment lol
sorry not primarily english! I learned both spanish and english growing up so i still am a little wonky with both, apologies !!


Unparalleled Innocence finally opened her notifications, realizing, they were all from the second speaking rooms.

The local group had three main contact rooms, the first one was mostly used by everyone to communicate and the other two were talks that were directed, but okay with being shown publicly amungst them. but of course, there were several private communications, not shown to anyone.

Noticing that the second contact room was largely being communicated in, she decided to do a little bit of spywork. Opening it, she covered were her mouth would've been.

SRS - I'm considering redirecting this to private..
NSH - Loosen up! Nobody checks these anyways.
NSH - Now- I need to know, Hunter took another pearl, is it there at your superstructure?
SRS - No, at least not currently.
NSH - Well, that makes me feel a bit better.
SRS - If you do not mind, what was encoded on the pearl?
NSH - ...
SRS - ..Sig?
NSH - Nothing you would care too much for, just some more ranting.
NSH - I appologise for the disturbance, I get a bit antsy when I can't find them.

Suddenly, something fell through her access shaft. True to her old ways with the ancients, Innocence impulsively exited the chat, and turned.

"-absolutely noth-.. oh, one of you." she unimpressedly said.

she sighed, massaging her eyes, despite not feeling anything other than a hint of dissapointment. She suddenly noticed, it was the pale red slugcat, owned by No Significant Harassment, and true to life, holding the missing pearl.

curiously, she knelt down.
"a little beast.. how amusing!" she turned her head. "Must've been quite bored to travel so far, little thing," UI gently pet the scug.
"here, let me read that.." she began to read the pearl, holding it with the air grip.

Innocence uncoded it, then processed it, reading it partially out loud in small mumblings.
"i think i'm malfunctioning... blah blah blah... oh this looks interesting..!" she suddenly read closely.

"'Intense emotions causing my steam expel to become quite often used,' I do say, quite.. intense. Were iterators ever meant to use the expel?.. I thought it was for emergencies." she thought out loud. Innocence continued running the pearl. "'I want to be around them, I want to talk to them almost constantly, and it feels rejuvinating..'... get to the p- OH!," she jumped.

"and I quote, 'i'm rather enamored with my fellow iterator, Seven red suns'!" she made some resembalence of a smirk. "dear,, who am I supposed to share this with.. I would share it with Harassment, but that's rather.. self defeating, I would think." she concluded.

Hunter finally made a sound.


"He hates me, remember?"


"Haha very funny.. 'everyone hates me'- I live with the first comedy scug ever. I suppose you have a point though, there is truly nobody else to share with.."


FP - Back to gossip about my state or do you have roumors to spread?
UI - The latter.
FP - Innocence, seriously
FP - You expect me to talk to you after you told everyone about my condition that I informed you that I WAS TAKING CARE OF?
UI - ...
UI - Yes
UI - I Promise it's worth it, Five Pebbles!
FP - ..sigh...
FP - This better be the triple affirmative or better.
UI - Well, don't hold your standards so high.
UI - did you notice that Suns and Sig were conversing over a supposed pearl?
FP - Yes, what of it?
UI - Well, it ended up right in my chamber.
FP - I thought it was just meaningless rantings?
UI - would you like me to quote it?
FP - Sure. Amuse me.
UI - Alright, one second
UI - 'Though, I suppose this shall stay in my chamber, I might as well come to terms with myself. i'm rather enamored with my fellow iterator, Seven red suns.'
FP - ...
FP - This is, a joke, correct?
FP - some attempt at humor?
FP - I cannot believe it.
UI - It's as real as the cycle, my friend.
FP - First of all, we aren't friends, we're meer co-workers.
FP - second of all, This cannot be the truth, right?
FP - Iterators.. were iterators not built for being quite.. cold, when it comes to such feelings?
UI - Well, I suppose it's not out of the question.
UI - After all, Moon loves you in a sibling fasion, yes?
FP - Don't wake sleeping vultures, Unparalleled innocence.
UI - Okay, okay, what about Wandering Omen and Epoch of Clouds, then?
UI - I hear they also have feelings as such, hm?
FP - ..okay, suppose it's in the question, then.
FP - What would happen if Suns happened to know, or, void forbid, agree?
UI - Well, I suppose you and I could mess with them a bit?
FP - I refuse to stoop to your level of tampering
UI - you're no fun!
UI - Then, do what you will with your information, I suppose.
FP - Store it, likely.
FP - though, rumors, I suppose, are..a little fun to think about.


Chapter closed

(841 words)

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