《 Cycle 2 - " rants " 》

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Maybe i should specifiy that Cycles aren't related to the cycles in the story.. I just thought theyd be cool to rename from chapters


How could I just leave pearls around here like that, Harrassment thoughts. That could've been something unhinged.

Hunter slowly sank in through the access shaft, yawning. "There you are, you snitch," Harrassment's back arm turned so he could face Hunter.

"rrrir," Hunter unenthusiastically replied.

"Talk all you want but you're only a messenger when i explicitly provide a pearl to you, okay?" he leaned close to Hunter as he floated past them.

"Please.. Please don't bring any unsolicited pearls to Suns."

Hunter blinked, leaning it's head down so Harrassment could pet him. NSH sighed before opening his hand and petting the small creature.
"I can't stay mad at you.."

Stretching, and rolling over, Hunter floated into Harrassment's grasp.
Closing his eyes, Sig pet the creature.

As one of his unorganized pearls floated past him, he read it quickly. The iterator identified it as a blank pearl, just one he kept for, lack of a better word, cord-spilling.

Shutting his eyes, the pearl blinked a green light, and Sig began writing on it.

He thought for a moment.
"I wonder if the ancients had slugcats." he began.
"I think there was a short time overlay when slugcats became less of a purposed organism and more of the natural fauna..." he thought. "so maybe they shared a relationship to the ancients.. Like a symbiotic one." he shrugged, petting Hunter.

"..I think they would've done the things they do with their young." He speculated. "Like, putting silly flowers around their necks, and drawing beautiful marks around their eyes." he looked up, kind of visualising it.

"..but then again, it's kind of useless to speculate about the extinct."

Hunter looked up, lightly whimpering.
With another sigh, Harrassment softly pet behind it's ears.

"it passes the time." he smiled. "and it lets me figure out things they never told me."

He looked down softly.
"Maybe it's selfish, though.. But they're the ones who made us live in these endless cycles.. Offering us no solution. I mean― why should I find an affirmative for ancients that aren't even here anymore? If anything they're selfish.."

Hunter lowered his ears.

Harrassment rolled his eyes.
"I know, i know.. Karmic justice is a thing." he grumbled. "I just, am so upset about.. well, their repulsively self centered mortal motives."

"Yeah.. I know. Its all pointless. Thanks for reminding me." he uttered.

Harrassment blinked and looked up.
"Wow, I kinda forgot that pearl was recording vocal logs..." he silently whispered, making sure the information was stored and coded.

Letting the pearl drop into a smaller section of other pearls, Harrassment held Hunter and began letting his conciousness sink back into his ascension solution thoughts.

He had nothing better to do, their life was basically a switch between dreaming about outside the superstructure, what ancients did, and what other iterators thought of.. Then right back to what the ancients invented him to do.


Tell them how to ascend without becoming stuck in that limbo of life that was being an echo.

It was almost mind numbing, but..
he didn't envy the non-thought that other creatures had.


chapter closed.
546 words

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