A Week Later

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Yes, huge timeskip, I know. But I'm trying to make this go fast so... Yeah!

It's been a week since the cast started to film. Behind the scenes I did help with the scripts for Josh and the others. Well, mostly Josh since him and I are like best friends now. As for Emma... I tried texting her, and she did reply. She told me she made new friends and was hanging out with them. I'm happy for her, she deserves the friends :)

We were able to film about 2 episodes. In the mean time behind the scenes, we got to connect with some fans. There were a few haters but, meh, whatever.

We were now finishing up episode 2. So, Josh pulled me over for us to rehearse the Ricky and Nini fight scene as Liv and Juj were rehearsing "Wondering".

"Alright, so you stand over there and I'll stand over here. Try not to laugh." says Josh

I scoff, "Says you?"

"Shut upp!" he jokes, then he reads his line, "I'm kinda lost. If the plays over why would we still be dancing?"

"Frankie's line..." I say

"Teach them the dance!" says Josh, pointing to the ground.

"Carlos, can we just wait 'till Ms. Jenn gets here?" I ask

"Carlos says that cannot happen bc Ms. Jenn is... busy?" asks Josh, I nod.

"But why are we practicing bows if we haven't even practiced the play?" asks Josh

"Frankie's line." I say again.

"Alright, let's just skip to the dance." says Josh, I agree and we do that.

As we're dancing Josh mouths "I can't do this" while trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm sorry."

"What is he doing? Ooh, great I'm talking to walls." I say realizing Frankie isn't here. But I didn't break character at all.

"Why are you talking to him? I'm right here." says Josh

"Cause you're not here! At least not for the right reasons." I say

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What I said, Ricky. You hate musicals." I say walking towards a table, "You're only doing this so we're in each other's grills."

"Back to the dance pleaseeee." says Josh in a girly voice trying to act like Frankie.

"Now, you're rubbing some weird cologne on your neck?" I ask

"Hey, you love throb!" says Josh

"And wasting everybody's time by making fun of something that the rest of us take seriously!" I say, pointing to midair because no one is there.

"Frankie kicks everyone except us out." says Josh, I walk away, "No, c'mon. Hey, I take this seriously."

"No! No, you don't! You don't take anything seriously. You just-- You coast. And the second someone asks you to make a commitment... You make a joke or you... You sink into some imaginary hole in the floor." I say, pretending I'm drinking from my water bottle.

Invisible? I see you. (Joshua Bassett X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum