First Day Of Filming

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The next morning, I woke up with something blocking my movement. I think I also had extra heat. I looked behind me to see Josh with an arm around me. Well... Okay, then.

Then, I heard an alarm ringing. Josh rubbed his eyes, getting his arm off of me. I took this as a chance to sit up. Josh hit snooze, then went to sleep again. His arm fell on my legs, and he looked to see what he was feeling.

"Ah, shit! Sorry." he said

"It's cool. Good morning." I said, it was currently 6 AM, I think they needed to be on set by 7.

"Good morning. Um... Did I have my arm around you?" he asked, I nodded.

"I'm so sorry, I'm a bit of a sleep cuddler. I should have told you." he said

"It's okay. I don't mind. Hey, uh, what time do you need to be at set?" I asked

"At... 6:30, HOLY SHIT I'M LATE!" he said as he looked at the time, then rushed to get ready. I laughed my ass off as he tried to put his shirt and pants on, not in front of me ofc.

After he was ready, he used the bathroom, and brushed his teeth, and so did I. Then we were greeted by a knock on the door. "Josh? You up? It's time to go."

"Yeah, I'm ready! Lemme just grab my bag!" he said, then we grabbed our stuff and got outside, we were greeted by Liv and Sof. Their eyes widened as they saw me.

"I'm gonna go grab some coffee, wanna come?" Josh asked me.

"Yeah, sure. Wanna tag along, guys?" I asked Liv and Sofia.

"Yeah, duhh!" said Sofia, and Liv agreed so we all went to get coffee.


When we sat down Josh said he needed to go to the bathroom to fix his hair a little, so we just sat down waiting for him.

As I sat down, Liv and Sofia looked at me, "Spill."

"Spill what?" I asked

"Why were you in Josh's room?" asked Sofia

"It was late, so he offered for me to stay the night at his." I said

"Did anything happen?" asked Sof

"Nope, not really... I mean, I did wake up with him cuddling onto me but every guy does that." I said

Sof and Liv oooooed.

"Guys, Josh and I are just friends." I said

"Mhm, sureeee." said Liv

"Yo, I'm back." said Josh, as he sat down, his arm accidentally went around me, but then he got it back to his side, "Sorry."

"It's alright." I said

"Hey, guys!" said Julia, and the others as they sat with us.

"By the way, guys, do you remember your lines?" asked Frankie

"Yeah, I think we should practice once more before we film, though." said Josh.

"Don't you already do that in table reading? Or whatever it's called?" I asked

"Trueeee..." said Sofia, I'm getting comfortable around these people. They're really not judgy, and they seem like nice people.

Then Liv got a text, she checked her phone and quickly wrote a reply, "That was Tim. He's reminding us that we have to be in set in 15 minutes, and Y/n can come if she wants to."

"Wanna tag along to set?" asked Josh

"Sure! Why not?" I asked


Invisible? I see you. (Joshua Bassett X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu