Chapter 17. You must be the Madrigals

Start from the beginning

- Uhm... by any chance... did an outstandingly beautiful woman arrive about a week ago to the town with a guy... girl? I have no idea if it was a dude or a girl after all.

Muerte gave him a weird look. She seemed suspicious of him.

- Camilo, was it? Camilo Madrigal... Right? – Muerte asked.

- Wait what? – Camilo looked up at Muerte.

It shocked him. How does she know about La Familia Madrigal?

- Madrigals? Like in my book! – Dulce yelled in excitement.

- How...

- You are searching for Mirabel and Isabela Madrigal. Right? – this shocked them even further. – It's certanly not an everyday event that my predictions come true this fast. – she had a brief laugh while saying that, holding her forehead.

- Predictions? You can see the future? How do you know who I am, and how do you know I'm searching for Mirabel and Isabela? – Camilo asked with a mixture of worry and frustration in his voice.

- Who's Mirabel? – Dulce whispered in confusion, looking at her madre.

- Firstly, yes, but not the way your tío does. – she said, clearly referring to Bruno – I read from palms and cards and sometimes have a vision built into my dreams. Secondly, Isabela destroyed my clinic, who also searched for Mirabel. So I figured you guys are after them. – he didn't know if the fact that she knew all this or the fact that she met Isa was more shocking.

- Isa is on a clinic? – Camilo freaked out, pulling his hair in despair.

- With a cold. No worries. – Muerte added. – She's better now.

- Are they talking about the nice flower fairy who visited Mariposa? – Dulce asked Muerte with genuine excitement in her voice.

- Sí amore. They talk about her. – Muerte answered to the little one, petting the top of her head.

This answer explained other questions as well. Camilo has heard about this Mariposa, but now he understands the similarities.

- MAMA! – a girl in her early teens appeared, running to Murete, panicking.

- Leilah! – Dulce yelled, excited to see her.

- THERE ARE PEOPLE SEARCHING FOR MARIPOSA! Why are they searching for Mariposa? Why would anyone have any reason to search for Mariposa? - Camilo recognized her instantly. Muerte only looked at her daughter with a smile. – Mama, I'm serious! What if they want to hurt her! – it seemed like the girl was used to her madre's reaction.

- I already knew about it. I told you guys weeks ago, but neither of you believed me. – Muerte said, with a smirk, that if it could talk on its own, it would say "Told you". The girl just stood there, looking at her mother.

- Why are you always like this when something you say comes true? – the girl asked, still panicking but hinting at her tiredness of the situation.

- Because neither you or Mariposa ever listen to me. – she pointed her index finger at the girl and had an even happier smirk on her face now.

- The boy called her Miro... Marib...

- Mirabel? – Camilo asked the girl.

- Yes! That. Wait... Are you with them by any chence? – she glanced at Camilo, with a serious look, ready to kill him if it's a must.

What the? – a strange sight surprised Muerte.

All of a sudden, a jaguar ran towards them with its tongue out of its mouth.

- Big kitty! – Dulce was rather excited by the sight.

- Parce? - Camilo recognized him, and so did the girl. After him was Araya in full speed, slightly slower than Parce, and lastly Antonio, way slower than the two.

- WAIT! – he yelled. – You ran three kilometers at least! – he could hardly catch his breath, while Araya couldn't make a sound - In hight heels! How can you not even be close to tired? – Antonio asked a surprised Leilah.

- Were you following me?... Congratulations on keeping up, though. I'm the fastest runner in town. – Leilah said, with an honest impression in her voice.

- Okay. Is there anyone else in the family? Because we don't have enough ingredients at home for dinner, if there are any. – Muerte popped the question while standing up, surprising everyone.

- Mama, are you serious? I don't think she'll be happy, though. – Leilah shoved her disagreement.

- Dinner? What is going on? – Antonio looked at Camilo, confused, with Araya in sink.

- To be honest, I have no idea anymore. – his hermano answered, confused if they succeeded in finding his primas or not.

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