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Shikamaru has been traveling for about three months now. He stayed three weeks in Malaysia. He visited all the places in his fathers story he met some of the people his father affected and their families. He was able to say his father was a good man not just to Japan's people but to everyone he met.

He wanted to be like him. He wanted to help everyone, he wanted to be remembered even in death. So he set out for Thailand. he only stayed for two weeks. he loved the culture and the amazing food. After that he went to Europe where he is now. 

He went to Germany for two weeks. he had to say the cultural difference was something to get used to. but he learned a lot of new things. Things Japan could use. Now he is in France. He always wanted to see the Eifel tower his father loved. It was the place his parents got engaged. 

Every time his father told him the story he hated it. How can one big tower be so beautiful but seeing it himself, it was lovely. He loved just laying on the grass looking up at the cloud right by the Eifel tower. He learned more about his father but not himself. he wants to be like his father but at what cost? he was his own person and he knew that. He could mimic his fathers actions and characteristics but nothing will make him shikaku. Most of all nothing will bring his father back.

He remembers being in his hotel room one night after seeing the eifel tower grow in the night. he had a realization that his father was gone. he was never going to see him again, talk to him again, play shogi with him again. he was mimicking his father during his traveling but that wasnt him. He wasnt nice like his father. He didnt have half of the patience his father had. But he remembered his father telling him that that didnt matter.

Shikamaru was some special, someone unique and when he tried to be someone he wasnt it was taking from his light. So since then he has been thinking about himself. So here he was once again looking at the Eifel tower. He could hear his father's voice guiding him when he was near. "Beautiful tower isnt it?" A voiced asked making Shikamaru jump. he looked to see a man with bright blond hair and the deepest blue eyes. Another thing he caught was that there was body gaurds around them. 

"Yes its a lovely view." He answered. He didnt know who this person was or why they was surrounded by body guards  and he sure didnt want to know the answer. "Im sorry about your father death. He was one of my best friends." The man said. Shikamaru eyes widened. The more he looked at it. The person was japanese just like him. He had a Japanese accent when pronouncing some of his French words.

"You knew my father?" He asked. The man nodded chuckling. "Yes shikaku was my right hand man at one time. He was also my best friend." He explained before walking away. Shikamaru ran after the man getting stopped by one of the bodyguards. "Please tell me who you are and what you was to my father. Why are you in France in your Japanese." Shikamaru shouted. 

The blond man chuckled. "Fine i will take you with me. Back to my home weasel his allowed to come back with us." He demanded walking away. Shikamaru followed the man hesitantly. He looked familiar but he couldnt put the face with a name. 

They entered a nice sized car. it was an all-black range rover.  The windows were tented. Once he was sitting inside the car and the doors was closed behind him they drove off. With two cars in the front and two in the back.  "Sorry for all the formality. I have a title to uphold. But since we are in the car we can talk more." The blond explained. 

"First tell me your name." He asked. The blond nodded. "You might know me is former emperor Minato Namikaze. But i am now Minato Namikaze-Uzumaki." He explained. Shikamaru's eyes widened. He looked shocked. Minato started laughing. "See i told you he would react that way." he said to the bodyguard driving. The bodyguard rolled their eyes.

imaginary engagement shikanaruHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin