CHAPTER 4 (Avery)

Start from the beginning

"I'm not complaining."

She blushed and looked away while pressing her palms into his chest and pushing off from him. But she did it with a casual softness. She didn't want to be rude since he had saved her from smacking the pavement.

"We should get inside before I fall flat on my face," she said.

He agreed with an accepting smile, and they made their way along the sidewalk and entered the restaurant. Dorian had called ahead and reserved a table on the terrace in the corner overlooking the meager downtown area. A stretch of buildings lined both sides of Main Street. There was a bank, a hardware store, several smaller restaurants, along with the courthouse, and the police department. Avery couldn't see the Pinewood Diner from their second story perch because it was on the same side of the street, several storefronts down. Also not visible, off the central strip, the Pineridge Inquirer took up half a block.

Overhead, a string of lights crisscrossed the seating area, giving the terrace an enchanted feel. After the host departed, Avery took a seat at their table, as did Dorian. The air felt perfect. Not even a chance of a chill on her bare arms. The moon hung behind him like a crescent sliver, providing a warm hue in the velvet sky as he glanced over his menu, his gaze straying up to her as she did the same. In her peripheral, she could see his eyes flick up toward her. On the second occurrence, she let a grin slip free. "If you don't make a selection, you won't be ready when the waiter returns."

"I was just noticing your pendant." He looked straight at the oblong object resting on her chest, dangling from a silver necklace. "Is it topaz?"

"Good guess." Avery cradled it in her fingers before releasing it and glancing up at Dorian. "I love its light blue sparkle in the right lighting."

"Like tonight."

She raised her chin, taking in the rest of the terrace and the other people dining around them. "This is nice. I like it, but I think we came here for business purposes. Didn't we?"

Dorian cracked a smile. "Of course."

"I mean, we're both kind of overdressed for an evening of discussing evidence. Wouldn't you say?"

"That's a matter of opinion."

Avery drilled into him with her eyes. "But when you suggested we eat at The Vineyard, I felt like I would be underdressed if I came in jeans."

"I suppose." He smirked. "But I didn't think a reporter like yourself would want to go the fast-food route. Am I right?"

She bit her lip and glanced back at her menu. "I've eaten my share of meals on the go."

"So, I was wondering who gave you the pendant?" He was direct, as if his thoughts had never wavered.

"Why do you want to know?" Avery replied.

"Just curious."

"How about I tell you after we order and after we discuss what we found in the woods earlier today?"

"I suppose that's fair."

Avery glimpsed the flash of silver on Dorian's finger. "I was wondering about the story behind your ring?"

"Just a family heirloom passed down to me."

The ring was flat and round on the top with a four-pointed star, and compass directions at the tip of each. An 'N' for North and the other letters representing the other headings. Avery thought she saw a trace of red on his skin underneath the ring. He wasn't wearing it earlier today, and she didn't remember a scar on his finger. It looked fresh and tender to touch. She was about to go into query mode, but the waiter showed up and asked for their orders. She selected chicken parmesan, and he chose lasagna. Red wine for them both.

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