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The car set off and they sped past houses and shops and came to a tall building. It said, Tom's Toy Store. Freddy, Oliver and Becky got out of the car and rushed inside the building. Becky's dad who was driving followed after parking the car in the car park.

The shop was huge. They had different toys from balls to bicycles. The children walked around the shop, looking at all the toys. Becky ran to the section with teddy bears. There were all sorts of teddy bears. She grabbed a big teddy bear that was almost as tall as her.

Oliver got a toy train with a track that sped along the track making a whooshing sound. Freddy got a toy aeroplane.

Then they all went out to have hamburgers. The sun was setting as they drove home. They were all excited to play with their toys. Freddy took out his aeroplane into the garden and got out the instructions. Then he inserted the battery and took out the aeroplane and watched it rise into the air.

He made the plane go higher and higher and then made it come down again. Then suddenly the plane started moving away from Freddy without him touching the controls to make it do so.

Then Freddy followed behind it and it went over the fence. Freddy climbed over the garden fence and ran through the meadow towards the forest.

The plane went into the forest and still kept flying, dodging the trees and then it disappeared in through a window of a small hut where steam was rising from the chimney. Freddy tried to make it come back using the remote but couldn't make it do so. He thought about what he should do. Freddy felt afraid to go into the house because the smoke that was rising from the chimney of the house was green. He had heard that green smoke was a sign that a place belonged to a witch.

He went back lost in thought and bumped right into Oliver who asked him where he had been. Freddy explained everything to him and Oliver said, "Let's go and look for your aeroplane at once."

So Freddy and Oliver went back through the garden, down the meadow, into the forest. Oliver had brought a torch with him because it was night. The stars were shining brightly in the clear cloudless night sky. Trees and their shadows moved and waved about like living things. It would have been frightening to be alone there in the middle of the forest. But Freddy and Oliver had each other and didn't feel as frightened as they would have been if they had been alone.

They went deeper and deeper into the forest and finally came into sight of the house. There was no smoke coming out of the chimney. Somewhere far off an owl hooted, breaking the stillness of the night.

They walked closer and closer to the cottage. The cottage door sprung open as they did.

"That is odd, it is as if whoever lives in this cottage was expecting us," said Oliver looking inside the cottage.

"What should we do?" asked Freddy, as he looked into the house too.

"Shall we just walk in?" asked Oliver, stepping closer to the door.

"What if... it shuts us in? How are we supposed to go out?" asked Freddy as he stood in the threshold while Oliver walked inside.

"Just come along. Don't be such a scardy cat," said Oliver and Freddy caught up with Oliver. But just as they were about to call out the door behind them banged shut.

"Hello?" said Freddy, looking around. The living room had a set of cushions and a couch. There was a fireplace and a mantlepiece with strange masks and candles.

Then suddenly all the candle flames in the candles floated out of their wicks and merged together and gave off a blinding flash. Freddy and Oliver closed their eyes and when they opened their eyes they found a tall man with a long silver beard looking at them.

Freddy WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now