When Ning Haizhou had caused the accident under the influence and killed someone, he had quickly been arrested.

Ning Li’s grandmother had taken out all of her family’s savings and even borrowed a lot of money to compensate the victim’s family.

It had not been so they could plead for a lighter sentence for Ning Haizhou, but it had been out of guilt and self-blame.

Her grandmother had blamed herself for not teaching her son well. Her son had killed someone’s family, so she was apologetic and regretful.

She was just an ordinary old woman. All her life, she had lived peacefully with other people and had not argued with anyone.

Her grandmother had not expected her only son to make such a grave mistake.

Later, she had even gone to the victim’s home to apologize in person but had been kicked out.

That time, Ning Li had not gone with her, but she knew that her grandmother had come back that day and cried for a long time. Her clothes had also been covered with a lot of dust.

Ning Li could only make a vague guess about it.

Her guess had soon been confirmed because that family started coming to the house to make trouble.

Once, twice.

Three times, four times.

Grandma was ashamed, so each time, she silently endured it. She would only ask them not to hurt Ning Li and would meet most of their demands to let them smash and bash whatever they wanted.

After Ning Haizhou had been sentenced, Ning Li had thought that the situation would get better, but it had not.

That was because he had not been sentenced to death.

The family was very unhappy with the verdict and had chosen to appeal.

However, the court had upheld the original verdict.

Thus, they took out all their discontent and resentment on Ning Li and her grandmother.

At one time, her grandmother had wanted to sell the house and take Ning Li away with her.

However, they had lived their whole life in Lincheng, so where could an old woman with a child hide?

At first, they came every week, but then it became once a month.

As time went on, the frequency of their visits gradually decreased, but they would still come.

Sometimes, it was a holiday, and sometimes it was just an ordinary day.

There was no reasoning. As long as they felt like it, they would come over and make a mess.

For this reason, Ning Li and her grandmother’s life had become very uncomfortable. Their neighbours had turned their eyes away and criticized them.

Having a murderer in the family had been enough to get them shunned. Not to mention, they also brought a lot of trouble for the neighbors.



It seemed like someone was smashing the door lock with a hammer.

Ning Li hung her head slightly. Her eyes were distant.

She had not expected that these people would come again when she was only back for one day after three months.

Her fists loosened and tightened until her knuckles turned white.

She looked up at the photo frame on the cabinet next to her and took a deep breath.

‘Forget it. They’ll go away.’

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