Chapter 3.5

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The Kitchen Incident

Heinz Pov

This is a bad Idea, why am I helping them

Shimi:"Hiei get the ice cream from the freezer, Tenryuu turn the coffee machines on, Akatsuki's remove the full cups of coffee and place empty ones to be filled beside them, Heinz get the..."


Take two

"sugar and the rest get the ingredients on the lists lying around"

The kitchen turns into a kindergarden and I'm getting the sugar bags, yes sugar bags, destroyers can tolerate a lot more sugar than a human for it to be too sugary and for it to be unhealthy. I hope the base still stands after this

After the mentioned tasks are finished we gather together again, a new addition are the cups of ice coffee (Ice cream not Ice cubes) with an unhealthy amount of sugar poured into them

Shimi:"The Admiral has done so many things for us, Akagi goes out with us to eat ice cream, Kaga gives us ice cream when she's in a good mood. And many other capitals also do nice things, it is time we do something for them"

Fubuki:"Akagi is so nice, she deserves a thanks"

The rest of the ships agree with cheering

Me:"That isn't a bad idea, but I fail to see the point of the coffee. Remember the time Inazuma drank one cup. We had to get Yamato to stop her with help from the faster ships to corral her. And the Ice cream was gone. I fail to see the good idea of repeating that with everyone present here"

Tenryuu:"Got cold feet, pu. You call yourself a Vice Admiral, then don't be such a scaredy cat"

Shimi:"So now that all complaints are dealt with, let's begin"

The ships take a cup each down it in one go and follow the instructions from Shimi, she also had a cup but she would have been as fast as them without one. Now she's faster than them which allows her to give instructions to several at a time while I can't follow because of the speed

Me:"Why did I agree to help them?"

If someone would have heard me they would have noticed the lack of life in my voice


I'm walking along a path with no clear destination, I'm just enjoying the nice weather when suddenly someone comes running around a corner. It's Shimi, she sees me and brakes, you can hear the braking

She is still to fast and crashes into me, thankfully I don't fall over

Shimi:"Wendel! There you are!"

Me:"Yes, here I am. Why were you looking for me?"

Shimi:"Me, Tenryuu, Hiei and a few others want to cook for the capitals as a thanks for how nice they are"

Me:"That is a good idea, not counting Hiei. But why are you telling me that?"

Shimi:"We want you to supervise us and especially Hiei so we don't make bad food"

Me:"I don't have anything to do, yeah I can supervise and help you"

Shimi:"Yeah! Thanks, now let's go they're already waiting!"

She grabs my hand and hastily pulls me towards the kitchen

Flashback end

She failed to mention that a few others were almost all of the destroyers, and they planned to use caffeine to get it done before dinner

Sometime later

I wake up

Me:"They drugged my coffee? What were they thinking? Where am I?"

I realize that I'm in one of the storage rooms of the kitchen lying on bags of flour. I stand up

Me:"Ouch, my back. I'm going to make them regret doing this, after I eat dinner"

I enter the kitchen and see chaos, cooking utensils, ingredients, cups and sleeping ship girls.

Dirty walls, floors and work surfaces are also everywhere

I open the door to the mess hall and am impressed. There is a buffet style dinner that will last for dinner and breakfast tomorrow. Either coincidentally or purposefully almost everything can be eaten one or two days after preparation. Purposefully, I have to give them credit for that, as the food that will spoil is the one that usually gets emptied quickly and is only present in quantities for one meal(One ship girl meal, with capitals)

I look at the clock, five minutes until dinner. I think there were training exercises and patrols for most of the capitals with a few destroyers so no early arrivers

I get a plate, fill it and get a seat. Four minutes later a ringing is heard from the kitchen. Ah they set an alarm for dinner, they slowly and sleepily filter out of the kitchen, get food and choose where to sit. A few minutes later the door to the outside opens and the first capital enters and immediately stops. After Akagis brain restarted she cautiously approached as if she feared this was a hallucination

Me:"Hello Akagi, how was the training?"

Akagi:"Good, we learned about a few inefficiencies in our operations that we're learning to fix. But what is this?"

Me:"The result when the destroyers decide to cook with determination. They decided that for how nice the capital ships are they deserve a thank you. So grab what you want and eat to your heart's content, there will still be enough for everyone else and tomorrow."

She thinks for a few seconds, then takes two plates and stacks an impressive amount of food on them, sits down and shockingly eats slowly to enjoy the taste

This dance repeats every time the door opens and more ships come in. Door opens, ship freezes, brain reboots, stacks impossible amount of food on plate and eats slowly

After almost everyone is finished I stand up and address them

Me:"You can thank Shimi for organizing this, and the others who prepared the food. They wanted to thank the capital ships for being nice, which is a good idea that I support. That is the reason on why I accepted overseeing them"

The irresponsible ships look pleased and are about to leave. I continue in a stern annoyed tone and address the culprits

Me:"I didn't tell you that you can leave. Your not well thought out actions deserve a punishment. The first thing is that you clean up the kitchen that looks like a battlefield, next you are not allowed Ice cream for the next week for deciding that to get this finished before dinner you can all drink caffeine and sugar rich Ice coffee and add sugar to it. Finally, you are all going to help in the kitchen for two weeks each, this will be scheduled so that it doesn't interfere with anything scheduled and that you won't sit around without work because there are too many "Volunteers" in the kitchen. Have a good evening, I have something to discuss with Goto"

They start complaining and whining

Me:"You slept until one minute before dinner, so you should be rested and the cleaning up should get you exhausted enough so that you can follow your schedule tomorrow. If you continue complaining it will be four weeks volunteering and two weeks Ice cream ban"

The complaining stops immediately

I leave the mess building and head for Gotos office, he had a meeting and wasn't on base so he already ate

To be continued..........................

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